Select @count1 = count(*)
from table
where createddate between @date1 and @date2 and status in (1,2)
Select @count2 = count(*)
from table
where createddate between @date2 and @date3 and status in (3,4)
Select @count23 = count(*)
from table
where createddate between @date3 and @date4 and status in (5,6)
Select count1, count2, count3
SELECT COUNT(CASE WHEN createdate BETWEEN @Date1 AND @Date2 AND [Status] IN (1,2) THEN 1 END) AS Count1,
COUNT(CASE WHEN createdate BETWEEN @Date2 AND @Date3 AND [Status] IN (3,4) THEN 1 END) AS Count2
FROM dbo.YourTable;