

print ("""Welcome to currency converter!
You can use this application to convert USD and PKR to other major currencies.
You can currently convert to Indian Rupees, China's Yuan, and Euro. More currencies will be hopefully added in the future!
user_amount = input ("Enter the amount that you would like to convert: ")
user_usd_pkr = str(input ("Is the amount entered by you in PKR or USD? Use the letter 'P' for PKR and the letter 'U' for USD:  "))

# This section covers the conversion of PKR to other currencies.
if user_usd_pkr == "P" or user_usd_pkr == "p":
user_convert_choice = input("""Would you like to convert to -

1. Indian Rupees. (use letter I)
2. China's Yuan.  (use letter C)
3. Euro.          (use letter E)

if user_convert_choice == "I" or user_convert_choice == "i":
indian_rupees = int(user_amount) * 0.48171
print (f"{user_amount} PKR is {indian_rupees} Rs.")
elif user_convert_choice == "C" or user_convert_choice =="c":
china_yuan = int(user_amount) * 0.042300
print (f"{user_amount} PKR is {china_yuan} Yuan.")
elif user_convert_choice == "E" or user_convert_choice =="e":
euro = int(user_amount) * 0.0054100
print (f"{user_amount} PKR is {euro} Euro.")
print ("You have not entered a valid choice. The program will restart and enter a valid choice this time.")
# This section covers the conversion of USD to other currencies.

elif user_usd_pkr == "U" or user_usd_pkr == "u":
user_convert_choice = input("""Would you like to convert to - 

1. Indian Rupees. (use letter I)
2. China's Yuan.   (use letter C)
3. Euro.          (use letter E)

if user_convert_choice == "I" or user_convert_choice == "i":
indian_rupees = int(user_amount) * 73.27
print (f"{user_amount} USD is {indian_rupees} Rs.")
elif user_convert_choice == "C" or user_convert_choice == "c":
china_yuan = int(user_amount) * 6.44
print (f"{user_amount} USD is {china_yuan} Yuan.")
elif user_convert_choice == "E" or user_convert_choice == "e":
euro = int(user_amount) * 0.82
print (f"{user_amount} USD is {euro} Euro.")

问题在于缩进。最低if-elif-elif块不在elif user_usd_pkr == "U"块内。


print("""Welcome to currency converter!
You can use this application to convert USD and PKR to other major currencies.
You can currently convert to Indian Rupees, China's Yuan, and Euro. More currencies will be hopefully added in the future!
user_amount = input("Enter the amount that you would like to convert: ")
user_usd_pkr = str(input(
"Is the amount entered by you in PKR or USD? Use the letter 'P' for PKR and the letter 'U' for USD:  "))

# This section covers the conversion of PKR to other currencies.
if user_usd_pkr.upper() == "P":
user_convert_choice = input("""Would you like to convert to -
1. Indian Rupees. (use letter I)
2. China's Yuan.  (use letter C)
3. Euro.          (use letter E)
if user_convert_choice == "I" or user_convert_choice == "i":
indian_rupees = int(user_amount) * 0.48171
print(f"{user_amount} PKR is {indian_rupees} Rs.")
elif user_convert_choice == "C" or user_convert_choice == "c":
china_yuan = int(user_amount) * 0.042300
print(f"{user_amount} PKR is {china_yuan} Yuan.")
elif user_convert_choice == "E" or user_convert_choice == "e":
euro = int(user_amount) * 0.0054100
print(f"{user_amount} PKR is {euro} Euro.")
print("You have not entered a valid choice. The program will restart and enter a valid choice this time.")
# This section covers the conversion of USD to other currencies.

elif user_usd_pkr.upper() == "U":
user_convert_choice = input("""Would you like to convert to -
1. Indian Rupees. (use letter I)
2. China's Yuan.   (use letter C)
3. Euro.          (use letter E)
# indentation was missing here:
if user_convert_choice == "I" or user_convert_choice == "i":
indian_rupees = int(user_amount) * 73.27
print(f"{user_amount} USD is {indian_rupees} Rs.")
elif user_convert_choice == "C" or user_convert_choice == "c":
china_yuan = int(user_amount) * 6.44
print(f"{user_amount} USD is {china_yuan} Yuan.")
elif user_convert_choice == "E" or user_convert_choice == "e":
euro = int(user_amount) * 0.82
print(f"{user_amount} USD is {euro} Euro.")

顺便说一句,你可以使用user_usd_pkr.upper() == "U",这样你就不必检查"U""u"了。
