如何使用JPQL、Spring Data Repositorys和Hibernate参数化TimescaleDB`tim

我在PostgreSQL 13上使用带有TimescaleDB扩展的Spring Data JPA(下面是Hibernate,JPA 2.1(,并希望使用time_bucket函数。这取数据的作为INTERVALbucket_width和作为TIMESTAMP列的time

我想把它放在Spring Data Repository中,并想使用JPQL@Query将数据提取到一个投影中,该投影表示返回时间桶的聚合计数、平均值等。我不想使用本机查询,因为我想与其他一些表连接,并自动填充它们的实体。


public class CustomPostgresqlDialect extends PostgisPG95Dialect {
public CustomPostgresqlDialect() {
this.registerFunction("time_bucket", new StandardSQLFunction("time_bucket", new OffsetDateTimeType()));



@Query("select sys as system, "
+ "function('time_bucket', '10 mins', vt.ts) as startTime, "
+ "count(vt) as total, avg(vt.speed) as avgSpeed "
+ "from Data vt "
+ "JOIN vt.system sys "
+ "where sys.sysId = :sysId and "
+ "function('time_bucket', '10 mins', vt.ts)  between :from and :to "
+ "group by system, startTime "
+ "order by startTime")
List<SummaryAggregate> getSummaryData(
@Param("sysId") String sysId,
@Param("from") OffsetDateTime from,
@Param("to") OffsetDateTime to);


@Query("select sys as system, "
+ "function('time_bucket', :grouping, vt.ts) as startTime, "
+ "count(vt) as total, avg(vt.speed) as avgSpeed "
+ "from Data vt "
+ "JOIN vt.system sys "
+ "where sys.sysId = :sysId and "
+ "function('time_bucket', :grouping, vt.ts)  between :from and :to "
+ "group by system, startTime "
+ "order by startTime")
List<SummaryAggregate> getSummaryData(
@Param("sysId") String sysId,
@Param("from") OffsetDateTime from,
@Param("to") OffsetDateTime to,
@Param("grouping") String grouping);

其中CCD_ 11被传递类似于CCD_。


SQL Error: 0, SQLState: 42883
ERROR: function time_bucket(character varying, timestamp with time zone) does not exist
Hint: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
Position: 61

然后我尝试将其更改为Duration,因为Hibernate将Duration转换为PostgreSQL Interval类型

@Query("select sys as system, "
+ "function('time_bucket', :grouping, vt.ts) as startTime, "
+ "count(vt) as total, avg(vt.speed) as avgSpeed "
+ "from Data vt "
+ "JOIN vt.system sys "
+ "where sys.sysId = :sysId and "
+ "function('time_bucket', :grouping, vt.ts)  between :from and :to "
+ "group by system, startTime "
+ "order by startTime")
List<SummaryAggregate> getSummaryData(
@Param("sysId") String sysId,
@Param("from") OffsetDateTime from,
@Param("to") OffsetDateTime to,
@Param("grouping") Duration grouping);


SQL Error: 0, SQLState: 42883
ERROR: function time_bucket(bigint, timestamp with time zone) does not exist
Hint: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
Position: 61



public class CastInterval implements SQLFunction {
public boolean hasArguments() {
return true;
public boolean hasParenthesesIfNoArguments() {
return true;
public Type getReturnType(Type firstArgumentType, Mapping mapping) throws QueryException {
return firstArgumentType;
public String render(Type firstArgumentType, List args, SessionFactoryImplementor factory) throws QueryException {
return "cast(" + args.get(0) + " as interval)";



this.registerFunction("castInterval", new CastInterval());

然后你可以这样使用它:function('time_bucket', castInterval(:grouping), vt.ts)
