调用 OCaml 函数,例如:"hash_entry列表数组 -> 字符串 -> 'a -> 单元


let random_numbers =
[|0x316666;   0x2d331c;   0x4de673;   0x63a91e;   0x87bee8|]
let random_length = Array.length random_numbers
type hash_info = { mutable hash_index : int; mutable hash_value : int }
let hash_char info c =
let i = Char.code c in
let index = (info.hash_index + i + 1) mod random_length in
info.hash_value <- (info.hash_value * 3) lxor random_numbers.(index);
info.hash_index <- index
let hash s =
let info = { hash_index = 0; hash_value = 0 } in
for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do
hash_char info s.[i]
type 'a hash_entry = { key : string; value : 'a }
type 'a hash_table = 'a hash_entry list array
let create () =
Array.make 101 []
let add table key value =
let index = (hash key) mod (Array.length table) in
table.(index) <- { key = key; value = value } :: table.(index)
let rec find_entry key = function
{ key = key' ; value = value } :: _ when key' = key -> value
| _ :: entries -> find_entry key entries
| [] -> raise Not_found
let find table key =
let index = (hash key) mod (Array.length table) in
find_entry key table.(index);;

不幸的是,作者会说像'a string -> unit这样的事情会这样或那样做,而事实并非如此。举个例子,我正在处理的是:

utop # add = { key = "9999999" ; value = "one of these days" };;
Line 1, characters 6-55:
Error: This expression has type string hash_entry
but an expression was expected of type
'a hash_entry list array -> string -> 'a -> unit


'a hash_entry list array -> string -> 'a -> unit


'a hash_entry list array -> string -> 'a -> unit


add = { key = "9999999" ; value = "one of these days" }


add mytable mykey myvalue




# let table = create ();;
val table : '_weak1 list array = ...
# add table "mykey" "myvalue";;
- : unit = ()
# find table "mykey";;
- : string = "myvalue"


val create : unit -> 'a list array = <fun>
val add : 'a hash_entry list array -> string -> 'a -> unit = <fun>
val find_entry : string -> 'a hash_entry list -> 'a = <fun>
val find : 'a hash_entry list array -> string -> 'a = <fun>
─( 19:55:55 )─< command 30 >─────────────────────────────────────{ counter: 0 }─
utop # let table = create ();;
val table : '_weak2 list array =
[|[]; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; 
[]; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; 
[]; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; 
[]; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; 
[]; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; 
[]; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []; []|]
─( 20:14:42 )─< command 31 >─────────────────────────────────────{ counter: 0 }─
utop # add table "mykey" "myvalue";;
- : unit = ()
─( 20:14:58 )─< command 32 >─────────────────────────────────────{ counter: 0 }─
utop # find table "mykey";;
- : string = "myvalue"
─( 20:15:15 )─< command 33 >─────────────────────────────────────{ counter: 0 }─

val create(单位->'a列表数组=(val add('a hash_entry列表数组->字符串->'a->单元=(和val find('a hash_entry列表数组->字符串->'a=(

谢谢Jeffery Scofield
