

  1. 如果用户试图在不将杯子放在托盘,显示"请将杯子放在托盘上。">
  2. 如果是自定义可再填充杯,则显示"自定义可再灌注cup:请自己选择。">
  3. 如果是惯例不可重复充装的杯子,并且是第一次使用,显示"定制不可重复灌装的杯子:您还有一杯;请制作您的选择。">
  4. 如果它是定制的不可再填充的杯子,并且它不是第一个使用时,显示"自定义不可再填充杯子:您没有剩余填料;请离开。">
  5. 如果不是任一自定义杯子,则显示"This is an无效杯子;请离开">


我现在遇到的问题是,当你对加油说不,然后对不加油说不时,需要说错杯子,请离开另一个问题是当你答应REFILL Cup它会显示正确的信息,上面写着请做出选择当你点击OK时,它不会关闭,它会继续询问你是否有NON-REPLAC杯


let thecup = window.prompt("Did you place the cup on the tray?", "");   
if (thecup === "yes") {
alert("Please choose your cup");
else {
alert("Please put cup on the tray");

//If it is the custom refillable cup, display “Custom Refillable cup: Please make your selection.”
let refillcup = window.prompt("Do you have a refillcup?");
if (refillcup === "yes") {
alert("please make your selection")
else {
window.prompt("Do you have a Non-Refill?", "");

let nonrefillcup = window.prompt("is it first time use?");
if (nonrefillcup === "yes") {
alert("one refill remaining");
else {
alert("Zero remaining refills");


alert("Please put cup on the tray.")
let theCup = window.prompt("Did you place the cup on the tray? (type yes or no.)");
if (theCup === 'yes') {
alert("Please choose your cup.")
let yourCup = window.prompt("Do you have a Refill cup or a NonRefill cup?");
if (yourCup === 'yes') {
alert("Please choose your cup");
let refillCup = window.prompt("Do you have a refill cup? (Answer must be yes or no.)");
if (refillCup === 'yes') {
alert("please make your selection");
} else {
let firstUse = window.prompt("Is it the first time use? (Answer must be yes or no.)");
if (firstUse === 'yes') {
alert("one refill remaining");
} else {
alert("You have zero refills remaining. Please leave.")
} else {
alert("Wrong Cup. Please leave.")


alert("Please put cup on the tray.")
let theCup = window.prompt("Did you place the cup on the tray? (Answer must be yes.)");
if (theCup === 'yes') {
alert("Please choose your cup.")
let refillCup = window.prompt("Do you have a refill cup? (Answer must be yes or no.)");
if (refillCup === 'yes') {
alert("please make your selection");
} else {
let firstUse = window.prompt("Is it the first time use? (Answer must be yes or no.)");
if (firstUse === 'yes') {
alert("one refill remaining");
} else {
alert("You have zero refills remaining. Please leave.")
} else {
alert("Your cup must be on the tray. Please leave.")
