

2022-03-25 10:18:13.947 UTC 014c WARN [orderer.common.cluster.puller] fetchLastBlockSeq -> Received status:NOT_FOUND  from orderer1.org1.com:7050: faulty node, received: status:NOT_FOUND  channel=assetschannel
2022-03-25 10:18:13.947 UTC 014d WARN [orderer.common.cluster.puller] func1 -> Received error of type 'faulty node, received: status:NOT_FOUND ' from orderer1.org1.com:7050 channel=assetschannel
2022-03-25 10:18:13.948 UTC 014e WARN [orderer.common.cluster.puller] fetchLastBlockSeq -> Received status:NOT_FOUND  from orderer4.org1.com:7050: faulty node, received: status:NOT_FOUND  channel=assetschannel
2022-03-25 10:18:13.948 UTC 014f WARN [orderer.common.cluster.puller] func1 -> Received error of type 'faulty node, received: status:NOT_FOUND ' from orderer4.org1.com:7050 channel=assetschannel
2022-03-25 10:18:13.948 UTC 0150 WARN [orderer.common.cluster.puller] fetchLastBlockSeq -> Received status:NOT_FOUND  from orderer2.org1.com:7050: faulty node, received: status:NOT_FOUND  channel=assetschannel
2022-03-25 10:18:13.949 UTC 0151 WARN [orderer.common.cluster.puller] func1 -> Received error of type 'faulty node, received: status:NOT_FOUND ' from orderer2.org1.com:7050 channel=assetschannel
2022-03-25 10:18:13.949 UTC 0152 WARN [orderer.common.cluster.puller] fetchLastBlockSeq -> Received status:NOT_FOUND  from orderer0.org1.com:7050: faulty node, received: status:NOT_FOUND  channel=assetschannel
2022-03-25 10:18:13.949 UTC 0153 WARN [orderer.common.cluster.puller] func1 -> Received error of type 'faulty node, received: status:NOT_FOUND ' from orderer0.org1.com:7050 channel=assetschannel
2022-03-25 10:18:13.953 UTC 0154 WARN [orderer.common.cluster.puller] fetchLastBlockSeq -> Received status:NOT_FOUND  from orderer3.org1.com:7050: faulty node, received: status:NOT_FOUND  channel=assetschannel
2022-03-25 10:18:13.953 UTC 0155 WARN [orderer.common.cluster.puller] func1 -> Received error of type 'faulty node, received: status:NOT_FOUND ' from orderer3.org1.com:7050 channel=assetschannel



