
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import json
import locale
import sys
import emails
import os
import reports

def load_data(filename):
"""Loads the contents of filename as a JSON file."""
with open(filename) as json_file:
data = json.load(json_file)
return data

def format_car(car):
"""Given a car dictionary, returns a nicely formatted name."""
return "{} {} ({})".format(car["car_make"], car["car_model"], car["car_year"])

def process_data(data):
"""Analyzes the data, looking for maximums.
Returns a list of lines that summarize the information.
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF8')
max_revenue = {"revenue": 0}
max_sales = {"total_sales": 0}
years_count = {}
for item in data:
# Calculate the revenue generated by this model (price * total_sales)
# We need to convert the price from "$1234.56" to 1234.56
item_price = locale.atof(item["price"].strip("$"))
item_revenue = item["total_sales"] * item_price
if item_revenue > max_revenue["revenue"]:
item["revenue"] = item_revenue
max_revenue = item
# also handle max sales
if item["total_sales"] > max_sales["total_sales"]:
max_sales = item
# also handle most popular car_year
if item["car"]["car_year"] in years_count:
years_count[item["car"]["car_year"]] = {"count": years_count[item["car"]["car_year"]]["count"]+1, "total_sales": years_count[item["car"]["car_year"]]["total_sales"]+item["total_sales"]}
years_count[item["car"]["car_year"]] = {"count": 1, "total_sales": item["total_sales"]}
popular_year = sorted(years_count.items(),key=lambda x: x[1]["count"], reverse=True)[0]
summary = ["The {} generated the most revenue: ${}".format(format_car(max_revenue["car"]), max_revenue["revenue"]),
"The {} had the most sales: {}".format(format_car(max_revenue["car"]), max_sales["total_sales"]),
"The most popular year was {} with {} sales.".format(popular_year[0],popular_year[1]["total_sales"])]
return summary

def cars_dict_to_table(car_data):
"""Turns the data in car_data into a list of lists."""
table_data = [["ID", "Car", "Price", "Total Sales"]]
for item in car_data:
table_data.append([item["id"], format_car(item["car"]), item["price"], item["total_sales"]])
return table_data

def main(argv):
"""Process the JSON data and generate a full report out of it."""
data = load_data("../car_sales.json")
summary = process_data(data)
# turn this into a PDF report
table_data = cars_dict_to_table(data)
reports.generate("/tmp/cars.pdf", "Sales summary for last month", "<br/>".join(summary), table_data)
# send the PDF report as an email attachment
sender = "automation@example.com"
receiver = "{}@example.com".format(os.environ.get('USER'))
subject = "Sales summary for last month"
body = "n".join(summary)
message = emails.generate(sender, receiver, subject, body, "/tmp/cars.pdf")

if __name__ == "__main__":

local.error:不支持的本地设置意味着不存在区域设置文件首次运行命令:bash shell上的locale -a他们将提供当前文件


编辑上面给定的代码:locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF8')新代码:locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL,'C.UTF-8')
