工件没有在TeamCity中与SSH Upload一起部署

所以我有一个产生工件的作业,以及另一个依赖于第一个作业的工件的作业。我试图使用SSH上传,但是我插入了字段"路径到源"。* . deb =比;/tmp为了从以前的作业中下载Debian软件包到tmp,但它不下载任何东西


[21:54:49]  Collecting changes in 1 VCS root
[21:54:54]  The build is removed from the queue to be prepared for the start
[21:54:54]  Starting the build on the agent "agent3"
[21:54:55]  Updating tools for build
[21:54:55]  Clearing temporary directory: /opt/buildagent/temp/buildTmp
[21:54:55]  Publishing internal artifacts
[21:54:55]  Full checkout enforced. Reason: [Checkout directory is empty or doesn't exist]
[21:54:55]  Will perform clean checkout. Reason: Checkout directory is empty or doesn't exist
[21:54:55]  Checkout directory: /opt/buildagent/work/245575fe8c01221b
[21:54:55]  Resolving artifact dependencies
[21:54:55]  [Resolving artifact dependencies] Destination directory [/tmp] cleaned
[21:54:55]  [Resolving artifact dependencies] Downloading files from <Xenoss.test / Build job of deb/rpm packages, build #0.0.2 [id 15836]> for pattern [*.deb => /tmp
*.rpm => /tmp]
[21:54:55]  [Resolving artifact dependencies] 2 files retrieved
[21:54:55]  Step 1/1: Upload deb/rpm package to destination server (SSH Upload) (1s)
[21:54:55]  [Step 1/1] Permanently added '' (EDDSA) to the list of known hosts.
[21:54:56]  [Step 1/1] Starting upload via SCP to host []
[21:54:56]  [Step 1/1] Uploaded [0] files for [] pattern
[21:54:56]  Publishing internal artifacts
[21:54:56]  [Publishing internal artifacts] Publishing 1 file using [WebPublisher]
[21:54:56]  [Publishing internal artifacts] Publishing 1 file using [ArtifactsCachePublisherImpl]
[21:54:56]  Build finished


  1. TeamCity下载工件到/tmp目录
  2. TeamCity尝试从不等于/tmp的目录文件夹中上传*.deb


*.deb => .
