为什么我的随机生成的协方差矩阵的 Matlab 代码没有生成正定矩阵?


% I want 10000 draws of a 5x1 multivariate normal distribution
N =5;
T = 10000;
% randomly generate standard deviations
sigma = 1 + .1*rand(N,1);
% randomly generate correlations which are between [-1,1]
rho = -1+2*rand(nchoosek(N,2),1);
% This grabs the indices of the elements in the lower triangle below the main diagonal
% itril comes from https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/23391-triangular-and-diagonal-indexing
I = itril(N,-1);
% Initialize correlation matrix
corr = zeros(N);
% Fill in lower triangle of correlation matrix with generated correlations
corr(I) = rho;
% make correlation matrix symmetric with 1s on diagonal
corr = corr+corr'+eye(N);
% Variance matrix is sigma_i*sigma_j*corr(i,j)
V = (sigma*sigma').*corr;
% means vector
mu = rand(N,1);
% generate multivariate normal draws
e = mu' + randn(T,N)*chol(V);


您应该生成一些矩阵X,其中包含随机变量之间的(线性)依赖关系,然后您的协方差矩阵简单地为X' * X(或X * X'取决于您如何排序X)。
