C语言 如何从结构函数返回一个结构?

//The Last attempt//

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
struct WordNode {
char word;
int line;
struct WordNode* left;
struct WordNode* right;
struct WordNode createNode(char word, int line) {
struct WordNode* node=NULL;
node =malloc(sizeof(struct WordNode));
node->word = word;
node->line = line;
node->left = NULL;
node->right = NULL;
return node;
struct WordNode insert(struct WordNode* root, char word, int line) {
if (root==NULL) {
return createNode(word, line);
int cmp = strcmp(word, root->word);
if (cmp == 0) {
// word already exists in tree, so do nothing
return root;
} else if (cmp < 0) {
root->left = insert(root->left, word, line);
} else {
root->right = insert(root->right, word, line);
return root;
int main(int argc, char argv[]) {
if (argc != 2) {
printf("Usage: %s <filename>n", argv[0]);
return 1;
char filename = argv[1];
FILE *file = fopen("D:TXTFolderText1.txt", "r");
if (file == NULL) {
perror("Error opening file");
return 1;
struct WordNode *root = NULL;
char line[256];
int lineNumber = 1;
while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), file)) {
char word = strtok(line, " nt");
while (word != NULL) {
root = insert(root, word, lineNumber);
word = strtok(NULL, " nt");
return 0;



malloc(sizeof(struct WordNode))分配足够的内存来存储struct WordNode并返回指向该内存的指针;内存的地址。你把它赋值给struct WordNode*(一个指向struct WordNode的指针),如果你想返回它,你需要返回一个指向struct WordNode的指针。

//              v returns a pointer
struct WordNode *createNode(char word, int line) {
// malloc returns a pointer
struct WordNode* node = malloc(sizeof(struct WordNode));
node->word = word;
node->line = line;
node->left = NULL;
node->right = NULL;
// this is a pointer
return node;


您可以返回struct Node…的副本

struct WordNode createNode(char *word, int line) {
struct WordNode* node=NULL;
node =malloc(sizeof(struct WordNode));
node->word = word;
node->line = line;
node->left = NULL;
node->right = NULL;
//     v dereferences the pointer so it refers to the actual memory
return *node;

…但是现在你不能检查node == NULL之类的东西了。


其他问题是你的"文字";是单个字符,char,但您将其视为字符串。C语言中的字符串是指向字符数组的指针,即char *

struct WordNode {
//   v pointer
char *word;
int line;
struct WordNode* left;
struct WordNode* right;

…在其他地方使用word必须是char *word


//                      v array of strings
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {



// line's memory is overwritten each time fgets is called
while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), file)) {
// word points to memory in line
char word = strtok(line, " nt");
while (word != NULL) {
//                  vvvvvvvvvvvv copy the word from line to new memory
root = insert(root, strdup(word), lineNumber);
// word points to memory in line
word = strtok(NULL, " nt");


FILE *file = fopen("D:\TXTFolder\Text1.txt", "r");

从struct函数返回struct ?


struct WordNode createNode(char word, int line) {
//struct WordNode* node=NULL;
//node =malloc(sizeof(struct WordNode));
//node->word = word;
//node->line = line;
//node->left = NULL;
//node->right = NULL;
struct WordNode node = {.word = word, .line = line, .left = NULL, .roght = NULL};
return node;

这是不是一个好主意。最好分配内存并返回指向struct WordNode的指针。

很少可以保存在char中。像'A','I','O'这样的词,到目前为止,函数更可能接受指向字符的指针(char *),createNode()将分配引用的字符串的副本。


struct WordNode *createNode(const char *word, int line) {
struct WordNode* node = malloc(sizeof node[0]);
if (node) {
node->word = my_strdup(word);
node->line = line;
node->left = NULL;
node->right = NULL;
return node;
