


class Base():
name: str
handler: typing.Callable[['Base'], str] # <--- What to use instead of 'Base'

class Specific(Base):
specific: str

# This is the callable that I would like to use.
def specific_handler(v: Specific) -> str:
return f"{v.specific}"
# Assigning specific_handler to handler gives a type error.
sg = Specific(name="two", handler=specific_handler, specific="extra info")
# The handler can be used in following manner.
assert("extra info" == sg.handler(sg))

我正在使用Python 3.7.

虽然@dROOOze的答案有效,但它是不必要的冗长(需要重复类名作为通用属性)。下面的替代解决方案使用typing.Self(通过PEP673在python 3.11上添加,通过typing_extensions反向移植,在mypy主上支持-尽管0.991仍然缺乏此功能)。因此,如果您可以使用mypy主分支或稍后阅读此答案,则mypy 1.0及以上完全支持Self


import sys
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Callable
# You can omit this guard for specific target version
if sys.version_info < (3, 11):
from typing_extensions import Self
from typing import Self

class Base:
name: str
handler: Callable[[Self], str]
class Specific(Base):
specific: str
def specific_handler(v: Specific) -> str:
return f"{v.specific}"

sg = Specific(name="two", handler=specific_handler, specific="extra info")
assert "extra info" == sg.handler(sg)



import dataclasses as dc
import typing
T = typing.TypeVar("T", bound="Base[typing.Any]")
class Base(typing.Generic[T]):
name: str
handler: typing.Callable[[T], str]
# `Base["Specific"]` assumes that you want `Specific.handler` to be of type `typing.Callable[[Specific], str]`, which is true in this situation.
# Otherwise just provide another subclass of `Base` (or `typing.Any`).
class Specific(Base["Specific"]):
specific: str
def specific_handler(v: Specific) -> str:
return f"{v.specific}"
sg = Specific(name="two", handler=specific_handler, specific="extra info")
assert "extra info" == sg.handler(sg)
