
  • 本文关键字:打印 AWK shell awk
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$ awk '{a[$5]++;} END{for(i in a) print a[i]"  "i}' netappev.logs
4  wafl.vol.full:
3  sis.changelog.full:
1  17:58:41
1  using
1  "event
21  vifmgr.bcastDomainPartition:
4  wafl.mirror.access.denied:
76  secd.authsys.lookup.failed:
7  wafl.vol.runningOutOfInodes:


$ awk '{a[$5]++;} END{for(i in a) print a[i]"  "i}' netappev.logs | grep \.
4  wafl.vol.full:
3  sis.changelog.full:
21  vifmgr.bcastDomainPartition:
4  wafl.mirror.access.denied:
76  secd.authsys.lookup.failed:
7  wafl.vol.runningOutOfInodes:


$ awk '{a[$5]++;} END{for(i in a) print a[i]"  "i}' netappev.logs | grep \. | awk -F: '{print $1}'
4  wafl.vol.full
3  sis.changelog.full
21  vifmgr.bcastDomainPartition
4  wafl.mirror.access.denied
76  secd.authsys.lookup.failed
7  wafl.vol.runningOutOfInodes


原始数据,由@Ed Morton在评论中询问。

Last login time: 2/19/2021 17:58:41
Time                Node             Severity      Event
------------------- ---------------- ------------- ---------------------------
2/19/2021 22:32:16  ksg6007          ERROR         vifmgr.bcastDomainPartition: Broadcast domain KSGI_mgmt-38 is partitioned into 2 groups on node ksg6007. The different groups are: {a0a-38}, {e0M}. LIFs hosted on the ports in this broadcast domain may be at the risk of seeing connectivity issues.
2/19/2021 22:31:31  ksg6013          ERROR         wafl.vol.runningOutOfInodes: The file system on Volume tpv6010_ida_ipdev_workareas@vserver:577ffe3f-4d04-11e7-92cf-00a098c5e37c is using 80 percent or more of the files that can be contained on the volume.
2/19/2021 22:30:03  ksg6005          ERROR         secd.authsys.lookup.failed: Unable to retrieve credentials for UNIX user with UID (28274) on Vserver (tpv6009) for client with IP address (
2/19/2021 22:29:52  ksg6007          ERROR         secd.authsys.lookup.failed: Unable to retrieve credentials for UNIX user with UID (45509) on Vserver (tpv6011) for client with IP address (
2/19/2021 22:29:52  ksg6014          ERROR         secd.authsys.lookup.failed: Unable to retrieve credentials for UNIX user with UID (45509) on Vserver (tpv6011) for client with IP address (
2/19/2021 22:28:37  ksg6006          ERROR         vifmgr.bcastDomainPartition: Broadcast domain KSGI_mgmt-38 is partitioned into 2 groups on node ksg6006. The different groups are: {a0a-38}, {e0M}. LIFs hosted on the ports in this broadcast domain may be at the risk of seeing connectivity issues.
2/19/2021 22:28:01  ksg6008          ERROR         secd.authsys.lookup.failed: Unable to retrieve credentials for UNIX user with UID (28274) on Vserver (tpv6009) for client with IP address (
2/19/2021 22:27:15  ksg6014          ERROR         secd.authsys.lookup.failed: Unable to retrieve credentials for UNIX user with UID (46537) on Vserver (tpv6010) for client with IP address (
2/19/2021 22:27:00  ksg6005          ERROR         secd.authsys.lookup.failed: Unable to retrieve credentials for UNIX user with UID (35828) on Vserver (tpvtp605) for client with IP address (
2/19/2021 22:25:49  ksg6013          ERROR         secd.authsys.lookup.failed: Unable to retrieve credentials for UNIX user with UID (997) on Vserver (tpv6010) for client with IP address (
2/19/2021 22:24:49  ksg6005          ERROR         secd.authsys.lookup.failed: Unable to retrieve credentials for UNIX user with UID (45509) on Vserver (tpv6010) for client with IP address (
2/19/2021 22:24:49  ksg6007          ERROR         secd.authsys.lookup.failed: Unable to retrieve credentials for UNIX user with UID (45509) on Vserver (tpv6010) for client with IP address (
2/19/2021 22:24:49  ksg6008          ERROR         secd.authsys.lookup.failed: Unable to retrieve credentials for UNIX user with UID (45509) on Vserver (tpv6011) for client with IP address (
2/19/2021 22:23:49  ksg6008          ERROR         secd.authsys.lookup.failed: Unable to retrieve credentials for UNIX user with UID (46537) on Vserver (tpv6010) for client with IP address (
2/19/2021 22:23:49  ksg6013          ERROR         secd.authsys.lookup.failed: Unable to retrieve credentials for UNIX user with UID (46537) on Vserver (tpv6010) for client with IP address (
2/19/2021 22:23:47  ksg6005          ERROR         vifmgr.bcastDomainPartition: Broadcast domain KSGI_mgmt-38 is partitioned into 2 groups on node ksg6005. The different groups are: {a0a-38}, {e0M}. LIFs hosted on the ports in this broadcast domain may be at the risk of seeing connectivity issues.
2/19/2021 22:23:35  ksg6008          ERROR         vifmgr.bcastDomainPartition: Broadcast domain KSGI_mgmt-38 is partitioned into 2 groups on node ksg6008. The different groups are: {a0a-38}, {e0M}. LIFs hosted on the ports in this broadcast domain may be at the risk of seeing connectivity issues.
2/19/2021 22:22:37  ksg6007          ALERT         wafl.vol.full: Insufficient space on volume tpv6009_scratch001@vserver:41dd0809-477f-11e7-92cf-00a098c5e37c to perform operation. 8.00KB was requested but only 1.00KB was available.
2/19/2021 22:22:35  ksg6013          ERROR         secd.authsys.lookup.failed: Unable to retrieve credentials for UNIX user with UID (46329) on Vserver (tpv6009) for client with IP address (
2/19/2021 22:21:12  ksg6006          ERROR         wafl.mirror.access.denied: Access to SnapMirror volume 'tpv6010_da' was denied because SnapMirror initialization was not complete (exported Snapshot copy identifier '0' is invalid).
2/19/2021 22:21:04  ksg6014          ERROR         secd.authsys.lookup.failed: Unable to retrieve credentials for UNIX user with UID (46537) on Vserver (tpv6009) for client with IP address (
2/19/2021 22:21:02  ksg6005          ERROR         secd.authsys.lookup.failed: Unable to retrieve credentials for UNIX user with UID (46709) on Vserver (tpv6009) for client with IP address (
2/19/2021 22:21:02  ksg6005          ERROR         secd.authsys.lookup.failed: Unable to retrieve credentials for UNIX user with UID (46329) on Vserver (tpv6011) for client with IP address (
2/19/2021 22:20:58  ksg6007          ERROR         vifmgr.bcastDomainPartition: Broadcast domain KSGI_mgmt-38 is partitioned into 2 groups on node ksg6007. The different groups are: {a0a-38}, {e0M}. LIFs hosted on the ports in this broadcast domain may be at the risk of seeing connectivity issues.
2/19/2021 22:20:02  ksg6005          ERROR         secd.authsys.lookup.failed: Unable to retrieve credentials for UNIX user with UID (46329) on Vserver (tpv6010) for client with IP address (
2/19/2021 22:19:43  ksg6013          ERROR         secd.authsys.lookup.failed: Unable to retrieve credentials for UNIX user with UID (46709) on Vserver (tpv6011) for client with IP address (
2/19/2021 22:19:08  ksg6013          ERROR         secd.authsys.lookup.failed: Unable to retrieve credentials for UNIX user with UID (994) on Vserver (tpv6011) for client with IP address (
2/19/2021 22:19:02  ksg6008          ERROR         secd.authsys.lookup.failed: Unable to retrieve credentials for UNIX user with UID (45509) on Vserver (tpv6009) for client with IP address (


awk '{a[$5]++} END{for(i in a){if(i~/./){print a[i]"  "i}}}' Input_file



awk '{a[$5]++} END{for(i in a){if(i~/./){split(i,arr,":");print a[i]"  "arr[1]}}}' Input_file


awk '{a[$5]++} END{for(i in a){if(i~/./){sub(/:$/,"",i);print a[i]"  "i}}}' Input_file


awk '$5~/./ {sub(/:$/,"",$5); a[$5]++} 
END     {for(i in a) print a[i] "  " i}' file



awk '(k=$5)~/./ {sub(/:$/,"",k); a[k]++} 
END         {for(k in a) print a[k] "  " k}' file



awk -v OFS='t' '
sub(/:$/, "", $5)
for (i in a)
if (index(i, "."))
print a[i], i
}' netappev.logs


$ awk -F'[: ]+' 'NF>7{print $7}' file | sort | uniq -c
20 secd.authsys.lookup.failed
5 vifmgr.bcastDomainPartition
1 wafl.mirror.access.denied
1 wafl.vol.full
1 wafl.vol.runningOutOfInodes


$ awk -F'[: ]+' 'NF>7{cnt[$7]++} END{for (i in cnt) print cnt[i], i}' file
1 wafl.vol.full
5 vifmgr.bcastDomainPartition
20 secd.authsys.lookup.failed
1 wafl.mirror.access.denied
1 wafl.vol.runningOutOfInodes


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