

interface Binder<in VB: ViewBinding, in T: Any> {
fun bind(binding: VB, item: T)
class TypeInfoMap {
val map = mutableMapOf<Class<out Any>, Binder<ViewBinding, Any>>()
inline fun <reified VB: ViewBinding, reified T: Any> put(binder: Binder<VB, T>) {
map[] = binder as Binder<ViewBinding, Any> // warning unchecked cast
inline fun <reified VB: ViewBinding, reified T: Any> get(cls: Class<T>): Binder<VB, T> {
return map[cls] as? Binder<VB, T> ?: throw IllegalStateException() // no warning

我在put函数中得到了警告unchecked cast。为什么?我为泛型类型声明了上限,这里的强制转换不是很好吗?此外,get函数中的强制转换不会产生任何警告,即使我没有内联该函数。我本以为我会在这里得到警告,但实际上我很惊讶我没有得到警告。


首先,从Binder<VB, T>强制转换为Binder<ViewBinding, Any>是不正确的。如果将binder定义为Binder<VB, T>,则可以使用VB实例调用binder.bind(),但不能使用不是VBs的ViewBinding实例。因此,Binder<VB, T>不是Binder<ViewBinding, Any>

其次,unchecked cast警告与强制转换是否有效无关。如果类型不正确,那么在运行时就不会得到ClassCastException。这就是为什么它很危险。

get()方法中,您可能不会得到未检查的强制转换警告,因为强制转换始终有效:给定Binder的方差以及声明的父类型VBTBinder<ViewBinding, Any>始终是Binder<VB, T>




class TypeInfoMap {
private val map = mutableMapOf<Key<*, *>, Binder<*, *>>()
class Key<VB : ViewBinding, T : Any>(
val bindingClass: KClass<VB>,
val valueClass: KClass<T>,
fun <VB : ViewBinding, T : Any> put(key: Key<VB, T>, binder: Binder<VB, T>) {
map[key] = binder
@Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") // types are guaranteed by put()
fun <VB : ViewBinding, T : Any> get(key: Key<VB, T>): Binder<VB, T> {
val binder = map[key] ?: error("No binding of type ${key.bindingClass} found for class ${key.valueClass}")
return binder as Binder<VB, T>
inline fun <reified VB: ViewBinding, reified T: Any> put(binder: Binder<VB, T>) {
put(Key(VB::class, T::class), binder)
inline fun <reified VB: ViewBinding, reified T: Any> get(): Binder<VB, T> = get(Key(VB::class, T::class))


val infoMap = TypeInfoMap()
val someBinder: Binder<MyViewBinding, MyType> = createSomeBinderSomewhere()
// guaranteed type here (or runtime error if no binding of those types is found)
val binder = infoMap.get<MyViewBinding, MyType>()
