

549px 549px响应也是如此


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<div class="cards animated-cards guarda-ovunque">
<div class="animated-cards-container">
<div class="animated-cards-text">
<h2 class="animated-cards-title">Guarda Netflix ovunque.</h2>
<h3 class="animated-cards-sub">Cellulare, tablet, laptop e TV: scegli tu cosa usare per guardare in streaming film e serie TV senza limiti e senza spendere di più.</h3>
<div class="animated-cards-media">
<div class="media-container">
<img src="https://assets.nflxext.com/ffe/siteui/acquisition/ourStory/fuji/desktop/device-pile.png" alt="" class="animated-cards-img">
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<div class="cards animated-cards bambini flipped">
<div class="animated-cards-container">
<div class="animated-cards-text">
<h2 class="animated-cards-title">Crea profili per i bambini.</h2>
<h3 class="animated-cards-sub">I bambini scoprono nuove avventure in compagnia dei loro personaggi preferiti in uno spazio tutto loro già incluso nel tuo abbonamento.</h3>
<div class="animated-cards-media">
<div class="media-container">
<img alt="" class="our-story-card-img" src="https://occ-0-728-2581.1.nflxso.net/dnm/api/v6/19OhWN2dO19C9txTON9tvTFtefw/AAAABUNsZVszA3HGW04LpkU1tiYnMIoqpcN6YbGSXu5OXQrvWLP1tn7Tee0YM-dJfCazJNwBKnR35ZoqbjE7gTezX57yHz57zixtKS1g.png?r=dda">

如果通过"不工作";您的意思是,在较小的屏幕上该列太窄,只需将媒体查询中.animated-cards .animated-cards-textwidth更改为100%(或任何其他所需值(:


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font-family: Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;
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padding: 70px 45px;
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background: transparent;
border-bottom: 8px solid #222;
color: #fff;
margin-bottom: 0;
padding: 50px 5%;
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only screen and (min-width: 350px) and (max-width: 399px), 
only screen and (min-width: 400px) and (max-width: 549px), 
only screen and (min-width: 550px) and (max-width: 949px)
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font-size: 1.625rem;

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margin: 0 0 0.4em;
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font-size: 20px;
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flex-flow: row-reverse;
@media only screen and (max-width: 349px), only screen and (min-width: 350px) and (max-width: 399px), only screen and (min-width: 400px) and (max-width: 549px), only screen and (min-width: 550px) and (max-width: 949px)
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flex-flow: column;
@media only screen and (max-width: 349px), only screen and (min-width: 350px) and (max-width: 399px), only screen and (min-width: 400px) and (max-width: 549px), only screen and (min-width: 550px) and (max-width: 949px)
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<!DOCTYPE html>
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<div class="cards animated-cards guarda-ovunque">
<div class="animated-cards-container">
<div class="animated-cards-text">
<h2 class="animated-cards-title">Guarda Netflix ovunque.</h2>
<h3 class="animated-cards-sub">Cellulare, tablet, laptop e TV: scegli tu cosa usare per guardare in streaming film e serie TV senza limiti e senza spendere di più.</h3>
<div class="animated-cards-media">
<div class="media-container">
<img src="https://assets.nflxext.com/ffe/siteui/acquisition/ourStory/fuji/desktop/device-pile.png" alt="" class="animated-cards-img">
<div class="animated-cards-video-container">
<video class="animated-cards-video" autoplay="" playsinline="" muted="" loop=""><source src="https://assets.nflxext.com/ffe/siteui/acquisition/ourStory/fuji/desktop/video-devices.m4v" type="video/mp4">
<div class="cards animated-cards bambini flipped">
<div class="animated-cards-container">
<div class="animated-cards-text">
<h2 class="animated-cards-title">Crea profili per i bambini.</h2>
<h3 class="animated-cards-sub">I bambini scoprono nuove avventure in compagnia dei loro personaggi preferiti in uno spazio tutto loro già incluso nel tuo abbonamento.</h3>
<div class="animated-cards-media">
<div class="media-container">
<img alt="" class="our-story-card-img" src="https://occ-0-728-2581.1.nflxso.net/dnm/api/v6/19OhWN2dO19C9txTON9tvTFtefw/AAAABUNsZVszA3HGW04LpkU1tiYnMIoqpcN6YbGSXu5OXQrvWLP1tn7Tee0YM-dJfCazJNwBKnR35ZoqbjE7gTezX57yHz57zixtKS1g.png?r=dda">
