
我对Swift和Firebase比较陌生,所以我不太熟悉两者如何协同工作的复杂性。我正在构建一个包含消息和线程的聊天应用程序。用户可以发送一条消息struct Message,如果另一个用户想直接回复该消息,就会创建一个线程。对于每条消息,我将存储一个Firebase文档引用数组,这些引用指向线程threadBefore: [Message]中的其他消息。

struct Message: Codable, Identifiable {
var id: String
var content: String
var name: String
var upvotes: Int
var likedByUser: Bool
var dontShow: Bool
var sentAt: Date
var threadsArray: [Message]

以下是我从Firebase获取所有聊天消息的代码:dontShow属性:如果dontShow == true表示消息在线程中,不应该像聊天中的常规消息一样显示。但是,线程中的最后一条消息会显示出来,并且具有dontShow = false

func fetchMessages(docId: String, collectionType: String, isThreadMember: Bool) {
if (user != nil) {
db.collection("chatrooms").document(docId).collection(collectionType).order(by: "sentAt", descending: false).addSnapshotListener { (snapshot, error) in
guard let documents = snapshot?.documents else {
print("No messages")

//                let threadsTemp: [Message]()
let classroomId = docId
if !isThreadMember {
if collectionType == "messages" {
self.messages = documents.map { doc -> Message in
let data = doc.data()
let docId1 = doc.documentID
let content = data["content"] as? String ?? ""
let displayName = data["displayName"] as? String ?? ""
let likedUsersArr = data["likedUsers"] as? Array ?? [""]
// if message is in thread (but not last message), then don't show as normal message, but in thread
let dontShow = data["dontShow"] as? Bool ?? false
let sentAt = data["sentAt"] as? Date ?? Date()
let threadBefore = data["threadBefore"] as? [DocumentReference] ?? [DocumentReference]()

// using reference array
if dontShow == false {
if (threadBefore.count > 0) {
// reset the temporary array that holds the threads to be added afterwards
self.threadsTemp = []
for docRef in threadBefore {
docRef.getDocument { (doc2, error) in
if let doc2 = doc2, doc2.exists {
let docId2 = doc2.documentID
self.fetchThreadMessages(classroomId: classroomId, parentMessageId: docId1, docId: docId2)
} else {
print("Document does not exist")
return Message(id: docId1,
content: content,
name: displayName,
upvotes: likedUsersArr.count,
likedByUser: likedUsersArr.contains(self.user!.uid) ? true : false,
dontShow: dontShow,
sentAt: sentAt,
threadsArray: self.threadsTemp)


// fetch a specified message and then append to the temporary threads array, threadsTemp
func fetchThreadMessages(classroomId: String, parentMessageId: String, docId: String) -> Message {
if (user != nil) {
let docRef = db.collection("chatrooms").document(classroomId).collection("messages").document(docId)
docRef.getDocument { (doc, error) in
if let doc = doc, doc.exists {
if let data = doc.data(){
let docId = doc.documentID
let content = data["content"] as? String ?? ""
let displayName = data["displayName"] as? String ?? ""
let likedUsersArr = data["likedUsers"] as? Array ?? [""]
// if message is in thread (but not last message), then don't show as normal message, but in thread
let dontShow = data["dontShow"] as? Bool ?? false
let sentAt = data["sentAt"] as? Date ?? Date()

self.threadsTemp.append(Message(id: docId,
content: content,
name: displayName,
upvotes: likedUsersArr.count,
likedByUser: likedUsersArr.contains(self.user!.uid) ? true : false,
dontShow: true,
sentAt: sentAt,
threadsArray: []))


func sendMessage(messageContent: String, docId: String, collectionType: String, isReply: Bool, threadId: String) {
if (user != nil) {
if isReply {
let docRef = db.collection("chatrooms").document(docId).collection(collectionType).document(threadId)
self.threadRef = db.document(docRef.path)
db.collection("chatrooms").document(docId).collection(collectionType).addDocument(data: [
"sentAt": Date(),
"displayName": user!.email ?? "",
"content": messageContent,
"likedUsers": [String](),
"sender": user!.uid,
"threadBefore": isReply ? [threadRef] : [DocumentReference](),
"dontShow": false])


现在,看看上面self.fetchMessages中的返回状态,Message()中的最后一个赋值是threadsArray: self.threadsTemp。但这里的问题是,这只是一个参考?它会根据上次分配给self.threadsTemp而改变吗?






// COL = Collection
// DOC = Document
Threads (COL)
Thread1 (DOC)
id: String // id of the thread
participants: [String: String] = [
user1: [
"username": "Bob23",
"userID": IJ238KD... // the document id of the user
] // Keep this "participants" dictionary in the root of the thread 
// document so we have easy access to fetch any user we want, if
// we so desire (like if the user clicks to view the profile of a
// user in the chat.
Messages (COL)
Message1 (DOC)
from: String // id of user that sent message
Message2 (DOC)
Thread 2 (DOC)
Users (COL)
User1 (DOC)
threadIDs: [String] // Contains the thread "id"s of all the threads
// the user is a part of. (You probably want to 
// use a dictionary instead since array's can be
// difficult to work with in a database, but for
// simplicity, I'm going to use an array here.)
User2 (DOC)


db.collection("Threads").whereField("id", in: user.threadIDs)






