

07: Rules of Engagement; Medium; Lux Video Theatre
08: Mama; Barney Miller; Castle
10: Will & Grace; Smallville; Modern Family; Friends
11: Cheers; The Jeffersons
12: Murder, She Wrote; NYPD Blue
14: Dallas; Bonanza
15: ER
20: Gunsmoke; Law & Order; Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
30: The Simpsons
expected output
7: Rules of Engagement; Medium; Lux Video Theatre
8: Mama; Barney Miller; Castle
10: Will & Grace; Smallville; Modern Family; Friends
11: Cheers; The Jeffersons
12: Murder, She Wrote; NYPD Blue
14: Dallas; Bonanza
15: ER
20: Gunsmoke; Law & Order; Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
30: The Simpsons


file = input() #user file input
with open(file) as f: #open file 
data = f.readlines()
dict_info = {}
for i in range(0, len(data)-1, 2): 
season = data[i].strip()
name = data[i+1].strip()
if(season in dict_info):
dict_info[season] = [name]
keys = list(dict_info.keys()) #will list the dictionary keys
keys.sort() #will sort the keys from min to max
with open('output_keys.txt', 'w') as f:
for key in keys:
names = '; '.join(name for name in dict_info[key]) #will print the name with number 
f.write(str(key)+': '+names+"n")
names = [] #Dictionary value
for item in dict_info: #will add name to dict
for name in dict_info[item]:
names.sort() #sort names from min to max
with open('output_titles.txt', 'w') as f: #open the file
for name in names: #will write name plus a new line


season = int(data[i].strip())



# Dictionary to store channels and their respective shows.
my_dict = {}
# Dictionary that results from sorting my_dict.
sorted_dict = {}
# A list used to sort the titles for test 3.
sorted_list = []
# Opening the file declared from input in read-only.
f1 = open(input(), 'r')
# contents is a list of strings where the first element is the first line of input and so forth.
contents = f1.readlines()
# Close the file as soon as it is no longer needed.
# A step of 2 is used so an out-of-range index error does not occur at EOF.
for i in range(0, len(contents), 2):
# Through each iteration, key is assigned with the numbers within the file.
# Using int() eliminates the 'n' you would normally see in output involving each line.
key = int(contents[i])
# value is the line after each number in the file. Example: "Dallas" would be value if key is 14.
# This is because [i + 1] grabs the line following the current line in the iteration the loop is in.
# strip() removes the newline similar to int()
value = contents[i+1].strip()

# Add value to sorted_list so it can be sorted at the end of the loop.

# If a key already exists in my_dict.
# In the example: this statement will activate when the 2nd iteration of '20' reaches this point.
if key in my_dict:
# In the example: my_dict[key] = 'Gunsmoke' and value = 'Law & Order'.
# Therefore, 20 is assigned with 'Gunsmoke; Law & Order'.
my_dict[key] = my_dict[key] + '; ' + value
# If a key does not exist in my_dict AKA the key only occurs once in the file:
my_dict[key] = value
# Sort the list after the loop in ascii order.
# In example: sorted(my_dict) = ['10', '12', '14', '20', '30'].
# sorted_key iterates through each element in numerical order.
for sorted_key in sorted(my_dict):
# In example: sorted_dict[10] = my_dict[10] = "Will & Grace"
# Remember to use the str() feature to prepare the key for being written on a file.
sorted_dict[str(sorted_key)] = my_dict[sorted_key]
# Opens "output.keys.txt" in write-only.
f2 = open("output_keys.txt", 'w')
# The for loop iterates through each key-value pair in sorted_dict for proper writing formatting to the file.
for key, value in sorted_dict.items():

# We do not need to convert any variables to a string, but we must use a newline at the end of each write.
# Do not be afraid to test your output with a print() statement before writing.
f2.write(key + ": " + value + 'n')
# Closes the file after being written.
# Opens "output.titles.txt" in write-only.
f3 = open("output_titles.txt", 'w')
# Iterates through every value of sorted_list
for value in sorted_list:
f3.write(value + 'n')
# Closes the file after being written.


此代码应该可以工作并获得完整的10/10。在编写代码时,我一直忘记去掉多余的数字,但我在output_file += d_key.lstrip('0') + ': '行中发现需要去掉这些数字。

file_name = input()
user_file = open(file_name)
input_list = user_file.readlines()

my_diction = {}
for index in range (len(input_list)):
if index % 2 == 0:
diction_key = input_list[index].strip('n')
if diction_key not in my_diction:
my_diction[diction_key] = []

sorted_keys = sorted(my_diction.keys())
output_file = ''
tv_show_list = []
for d_key in sorted_keys:
output_file += d_key.lstrip('0') + ': '
for tvshow in my_diction[d_key]:
output_file += tvshow + '; '
output_file = output_file[:-2] + 'n'
file = open("output_keys.txt", "w")

sorted_list = ''
for tv_show in tv_show_list:
sorted_list += tv_show + 'n'
file = open("output_titles.txt", "w")

在我的LAB 4.9.1中,对于这个特定的练习,预期的输出顺序相反。这是我用来通过颠倒密钥和名称变量的排序顺序来完成全额学分分配的代码:

file = input() # file input
with open(file) as f: #open file
data = f.readlines()
dict_info = {}
for i in range(0, len(data)-1, 2):
season = int(data[i].strip())
name = data[i+1].strip()
if(season in dict_info):
dict_info[season] = [name]
keys = list(dict_info.keys()) #will list the dictionary keys
keys.sort() #will sort the keys
with open('output_keys.txt', 'w') as f:
for key in reversed(keys): #reverses the sort order for output
names = '; '.join(name for name in dict_info[key]) #will print the name with number
f.write(str(key)+': '+names+"n")
names = [] #Dictionary value
for item in dict_info: #will add name to dict
for name in dict_info[item]:
names.sort() #sort names
with open('output_titles.txt', 'w') as f: #open the file
for name in reversed(names): #reverses the sort order for output
f.write(name+'n') #will write name plus a new line
file_name = input()
tv_shows = {}

with open(file_name, 'r') as f:
info = f.readlines()

for i in range(0, len(info), 2):
season =info[i].strip()
show = info[i+1].strip()
if season in tv_shows:
tv_shows[season] = [show]
keys = list(tv_shows.keys())
with open('output_keys.txt', 'w') as f:
for key in keys:
names = '; '.join(x for x in tv_shows[key])
f.write(f'{str(int(key))}: {names}n')
names = []
for i in tv_shows:
for j in tv_shows[i]:

with open('output_titles.txt', 'w') as f:
for i in names:
