




spat_proximity <- function(x, y, z) {

return(which(map_dbl(y, ~ distGeo(., x)) <= z))}

temp_proximity <- function(x, y, z) {

return(which(map_dbl(y, ~ abs(x - .)) <= z))}

test %>%
mutate(overlaps = map2(map(place, ~ spat_proximity(., place, 20000)),
map(time, ~ temp_proximity(., time, 30)),
~ intersect(.x, .y)))



structure(list(id = 1:42, time = structure(c(1478601762, 1475170279, 
1469770219, 1462441336, 1474739469, 1488216507, 1475203721, 1468705558, 
1481722718, 1485897197, 1488669576, 1501288618, 1510266595, 1516828588, 
1497048175, 1516546144, 1507576242, 1517654363, 1496070298, 1519765220, 
1507408104, 1532046710, 1542196446, 1534747170, 1533605231, 1521381844, 
1545389880, 1537988628, 1544304998, 1524842149, 1551051077, 1540822870, 
1579775599, 1580337175, 1551486497, 1554879837, 1568620434, 1568701543, 
1556387550, 1561253396, 1582925482, 1562166384), class = c("POSIXct", 
"POSIXt"), tzone = "UTC"), place = list(c(7.59729413351368, 52.6052275122351
), c(9.99728447956781, 53.43773657253), c(10.1114473929533, 53.1295890148866
), c(7.74115218835801, 53.555354690339), c(9.82895066827581, 
53.1009319396015), c(10.061107415855, 53.1908752763309), c(10.1134381934544, 
53.1450558612239), c(8.59001735546083, 53.1767797285482), c(6.43939168487555, 
52.5520931654252), c(8.38811111096636, 53.9043055557574), c(6.20061916537948, 
52.462037409576), c(8.66656282486832, 52.8269702466929), c(9.92127490588442, 
53.1240045666796), c(9.77810957468704, 53.1445777603789), c(10.0972382106036, 
53.1604265989175), c(10.0473952445094, 53.1698097395641), c(9.23773401919961, 
53.2120381900218), c(8.29524237837988, 52.822332696399), c(6.63690696797941, 
53.4436726627048), c(6.89839325296288, 53.947454203445), c(6.97064542834721, 
54.2487197094445), c(9.98865072631714, 53.4088944299342), c(9.94164401569524, 
53.1500576073959), c(9.64242996587752, 52.9285470044703), c(10.1026940185685, 
53.1635394335485), c(9.94874529044194, 53.2202512735354), c(8.8025526552284, 
53.2423093779114), c(7.93352467761445, 52.9129105531343), c(6.6418846001424, 
53.2459031608081), c(7.56102465003101, 53.5306444680171), c(7.36619114998468, 
53.748869508885), c(7.40993284414052, 54.5367797663042), c(9.90022663895919, 
53.3726361099083), c(9.41110555596208, 52.5001044709056), c(10.1151193231519, 
53.1539029361817), c(10.1064400828529, 53.1793449776572), c(9.94235711256256, 
53.2622041055899), c(9.44215997717822, 53.4799339987572), c(7.03832846889284, 
53.1986115213435), c(7.32755360272354, 53.416700338513), c(7.57828611098173, 
53.6107027769073), c(7.55411005022882, 54.1905803935834)), overlaps = list(
1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, c(5L, 7L), 6L, c(5L, 7L), 8L, 9L, 10L, 11L, 
12L, 13L, c(14L, 16L), 15L, c(14L, 16L), 17L, 18L, 19L, 20L, 
21L, 22L, 23L, 24L, 25L, 26L, 27L, 28L, 29L, 30L, 31L, 32L, 
33L, 34L, 35L, 36L, 37L, 38L, 39L, 40L, 41L, 42L)), row.names = c(NA, 
-42L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))


structure(list(id = 1:42, time = structure(c(1478601762, 1475170279, 
1469770219, 1462441336, 1474739469, 1488216507, 1475203721, 1468705558, 
1481722718, 1485897197, 1488669576, 1501288618, 1510266595, 1516828588, 
1497048175, 1516546144, 1507576242, 1517654363, 1496070298, 1519765220, 
1507408104, 1532046710, 1542196446, 1534747170, 1533605231, 1521381844, 
1545389880, 1537988628, 1544304998, 1524842149, 1551051077, 1540822870, 
1579775599, 1580337175, 1551486497, 1554879837, 1568620434, 1568701543, 
1556387550, 1561253396, 1582925482, 1562166384), class = c("POSIXct", 
"POSIXt"), tzone = "UTC"), place = list(c(7.59729413351368, 52.6052275122351
), c(9.99728447956781, 53.43773657253), c(10.1114473929533, 53.1295890148866
), c(7.74115218835801, 53.555354690339), c(9.82895066827581, 
53.1009319396015), c(10.061107415855, 53.1908752763309), c(10.1134381934544, 
53.1450558612239), c(8.59001735546083, 53.1767797285482), c(6.43939168487555, 
52.5520931654252), c(8.38811111096636, 53.9043055557574), c(6.20061916537948, 
52.462037409576), c(8.66656282486832, 52.8269702466929), c(9.92127490588442, 
53.1240045666796), c(9.77810957468704, 53.1445777603789), c(10.0972382106036, 
53.1604265989175), c(10.0473952445094, 53.1698097395641), c(9.23773401919961, 
53.2120381900218), c(8.29524237837988, 52.822332696399), c(6.63690696797941, 
53.4436726627048), c(6.89839325296288, 53.947454203445), c(6.97064542834721, 
54.2487197094445), c(9.98865072631714, 53.4088944299342), c(9.94164401569524, 
53.1500576073959), c(9.64242996587752, 52.9285470044703), c(10.1026940185685, 
53.1635394335485), c(9.94874529044194, 53.2202512735354), c(8.8025526552284, 
53.2423093779114), c(7.93352467761445, 52.9129105531343), c(6.6418846001424, 
53.2459031608081), c(7.56102465003101, 53.5306444680171), c(7.36619114998468, 
53.748869508885), c(7.40993284414052, 54.5367797663042), c(9.90022663895919, 
53.3726361099083), c(9.41110555596208, 52.5001044709056), c(10.1151193231519, 
53.1539029361817), c(10.1064400828529, 53.1793449776572), c(9.94235711256256, 
53.2622041055899), c(9.44215997717822, 53.4799339987572), c(7.03832846889284, 
53.1986115213435), c(7.32755360272354, 53.416700338513), c(7.57828611098173, 
53.6107027769073), c(7.55411005022882, 54.1905803935834))), row.names = c(NA, 
-42L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))





#include "Rcpp.h"
#include <math.h>
static const double earth = 6378137.0; // WSG-84 definition
// haversine formula taken from the geodist library
// - https://github.com/hypertidy/geodist
double distance_haversine(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) {
double cosy1 = cos( y1 * M_PI / 180.0 );
double cosy2 = cos( y2 * M_PI / 180.0 );
double sxd = sin ((x2 - x1) * M_PI / 360.0);
double syd = sin ((y2 - y1) * M_PI / 360.0);
double d = syd * syd + cosy1 * cosy2 * sxd * sxd;
d = 2.0 * earth * asin (sqrt (d));
return (d);
// returns true if second date is within 30 days of the first
bool within_days( int first_date, int second_date ) {
int days = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60;
int lower_bound = first_date - days;
int upper_bound = first_date + days;
return lower_bound <= second_date && second_date <= upper_bound;
bool within_distance( Rcpp::NumericVector start_place, Rcpp::NumericVector end_place, double distance_limit = 20000.0 ) {
double x1 = start_place[0];
double y1 = start_place[1];
double x2 = end_place[0];
double y2 = end_place[1];
return distance_haversine(x1, y1, x2, y2) <= distance_limit;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
SEXP find_overlaps( Rcpp::NumericVector ids, Rcpp::IntegerVector dates, Rcpp::List place ) {
R_xlen_t n = dates.length();
R_xlen_t i, j;
Rcpp::List res( n );
R_xlen_t result_counter;
for( i = 0; i < n; ++i ) {
Rcpp::IntegerVector overlaps( n ); // initialise vector to store results
result_counter = 0;
for( j = 0; j < n; ++j ) {
// ignore self-comparisons
if( i != j ) {
int first_date = dates[ i ];
int second_date = dates[ j ];
Rcpp::NumericVector first_place = place[ i ];
Rcpp::NumericVector second_place = place[ j ];
// check the place values exist
if( first_place.length() != 2 || second_place.length() != 2 ) {
if( within_days( first_date, second_date) && within_distance( first_place, second_place ) ) {
overlaps[ result_counter ] = j;
if( result_counter > 0 ) {
Rcpp::IntegerVector id_idx = overlaps[ Rcpp::Range( 0, result_counter - 1 ) ];
res[ i ] = ids[ id_idx ];
return res;

然后在R 中获取

Rcpp::sourceCpp(file = "~/Desktop/find_overlaps.cpp")
res <- find_overlaps( df$id, df$time, df$place )
df$overlaps <- res
#    id                time               place overlaps
# 1   1 2016-11-08 10:42:42 7.597294, 52.605228     NULL
# 2   2 2016-09-29 17:31:19 9.997284, 53.437737     NULL
# 3   3 2016-07-29 05:30:19  10.11145, 53.12959     NULL
# 4   4 2016-05-05 09:42:16 7.741152, 53.555355     NULL
# 5   5 2016-09-24 17:51:09 9.828951, 53.100932        7
# 6   6 2017-02-27 17:28:27  10.06111, 53.19088     NULL
# 7   7 2016-09-30 02:48:41  10.11344, 53.14506        5
# 8   8 2016-07-16 21:45:58 8.590017, 53.176780     NULL
# 9   9 2016-12-14 13:38:38 6.439392, 52.552093     NULL
# 10 10 2017-01-31 21:13:17 8.388111, 53.904306     NULL
# 11 11 2017-03-04 23:19:36 6.200619, 52.462037     NULL
# 12 12 2017-07-29 00:36:58 8.666563, 52.826970     NULL
# 13 13 2017-11-09 22:29:55 9.921275, 53.124005     NULL
# 14 14 2018-01-24 21:16:28   9.77811, 53.14458       16
# 15 15 2017-06-09 22:42:55  10.09724, 53.16043     NULL
# 16 16 2018-01-21 14:49:04  10.04740, 53.16981       14
# 17 17 2017-10-09 19:10:42 9.237734, 53.212038     NULL
# 18 18 2018-02-03 10:39:23 8.295242, 52.822333     NULL
# 19 19 2017-05-29 15:04:58 6.636907, 53.443673     NULL
# 20 20 2018-02-27 21:00:20 6.898393, 53.947454     NULL
# ...


  • 我运行了一个快速基准测试,它在微秒内运行在您的示例上
  • 我故意忽略了自重叠(因此NULL值(



# Find rows within time period
overlap_time_fn <- function(df, days, time_ref){
seconds <- days * 24 * 3600
df %>%
filter(time < time_ref + seconds, time > time_ref - seconds) 
# Define radius in meters
dist <- 20000
# Define number of days
days <- 30
df %>%
mutate(lon = place[[1]][1]) %>% # add lon column
mutate(lat = place[[1]][2]) %>% # add lat column
rowwise() %>%
mutate(overlap_spat = toString(points_in_circle(., lon_center = lon,      
lat_center = lat, 
radius = dist)$id)) %>%
mutate(overlap_time = toString(overlap_time_fn(., days = days, 
time_ref = time)$id))


  • 使用非等联接来减少空间和时间上匹配对的数量
  • 仅计算所选配对的距离和时间差
  • 保持结果与预期标准完全对应
  • id分组



maxtime <- 30
maxdist <- 20000
microbenchmark::microbenchmark( datatable = {# Calculate box around each point
sapply(place,function(x) x[1]),
sapply(place,function(x) x[2]),
sapply(place,function(x) x[1] - maxdist),
sapply(place,function(x) x[1] + maxdist),
sapply(place,function(x) x[2] - maxdist),
sapply(place,function(x) x[2] + maxdist),
sapply(time,function(t) t - maxtime * 86400),
sapply(time,function(t) t + maxtime * 86400))]

# Select near enough places
result <- test[test,.(place,i.id,i.time,i.place,i.x,i.y,id,x,y,time, place),on=.(x>=boxxmin, y>=boxymin, x <= boxxmax, y<= boxymax , time >= timemin, time <= timemax)]
# Calculate spatio-temporal distances
abs(as.numeric(difftime(i.time,time,unit = 'days')))) ]
# Calculate overlaps
overlaps <- result[dt < 30 & dist < 20000 ][,.(overlap = list(i.id)), by = .(id)]
id                time               place overlap
1:  1 2016-11-08 10:42:42  7.597294,52.605228       1
2:  2 2016-09-29 17:31:19  9.997284,53.437737       2
3:  3 2016-07-29 05:30:19   10.11145,53.12959       3
4:  4 2016-05-05 09:42:16  7.741152,53.555355       4
5:  5 2016-09-24 17:51:09  9.828951,53.100932     5,7
6:  7 2016-09-30 02:48:41   10.11344,53.14506     5,7
7:  6 2017-02-27 17:28:27   10.06111,53.19088       6
8:  8 2016-07-16 21:45:58  8.590017,53.176780       8
9:  9 2016-12-14 13:38:38  6.439392,52.552093       9
10: 10 2017-01-31 21:13:17  8.388111,53.904306      10
11: 11 2017-03-04 23:19:36  6.200619,52.462037      11
12: 12 2017-07-29 00:36:58  8.666563,52.826970      12
13: 13 2017-11-09 22:29:55  9.921275,53.124005      13
14: 14 2018-01-24 21:16:28    9.77811,53.14458   14,16
15: 16 2018-01-21 14:49:04   10.04740,53.16981   14,16
16: 15 2017-06-09 22:42:55   10.09724,53.16043      15
17: 17 2017-10-09 19:10:42  9.237734,53.212038      17


Unit: milliseconds
expr      min        lq      mean   median       uq      max neval cld
datatable   9.0788  10.21605  11.75099  10.7112  11.7880  24.6698   100  a 
purrr 176.7696 199.85610 209.79916 209.2215 218.3165 253.2139   100   b


p <- do.call(rbind,data$place)
t <- data$time
y <- data %>%
mutate(overlaps = map2(lapply(place,function(x)which(distGeo(x,p2=p)<=20000)),
map(time,function(x)which(abs(as.numeric(difftime(x,t,units = "days")))<=30)),
