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Rocky VM需要嵌套在资源"中的计划块;azurerm_linux_virtual_machine



Error: Missing required argument
│   on compute_lin_vm.tf line 43, in module "vm-jpdev":
│   43: module "vm-jpdev" {
│ The argument "plan_name" is required, but no definition was found.
│ Error: Missing required argument
│   on compute_lin_vm.tf line 43, in module "vm-jpdev":
│   43: module "vm-jpdev" {
│ The argument "plan_product" is required, but no definition was found.
│ Error: Missing required argument
│   on compute_lin_vm.tf line 43, in module "vm-jpdev":
│   43: module "vm-jpdev" {
│ The argument "plan_publisher" is required, but no definition was found.


module "vm-ansiblecontroller" {
resource_group_name = module.rg-ansiblecontroller.resource_group_name
location            = local.location
linux_machine_name  = "linux-test1"
tags                = var.tags
nic_id = [module.vm-ansiblecontroller.nic_id]
subnet_id = module.subnet-networkcore.subnet_id
virtual_machine_size = "Standard_D2"
admin_username       = "jpadmin"
admin_ssh_public_key = file("~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub")
source_image_publisher = "procomputers"
source_image_offer     = "rocky-lnx-8-latest"
source_image_sku       = "rocky-linux-8-latest"
source_image_version   = "8.5.20220222"
plan_name = "rocky-linux-8-latest"
plan_product = "rocky-lnx-8-latest"
plan_publisher = "procomputers"

operating_system_disk_cache = "ReadWrite"
operating_system_disk_type  = "Standard_LRS"
ip_configuration_name         = "internal"
private_ip_address_allocation = "Dynamic"
public_ip_allocation_method = "Static"
public_ip_sku               = "Standard"
depends_on = [
module "vm-jpdev" {
resource_group_name = module.rg-jpdev-vm.resource_group_name
location            = local.location
linux_machine_name  = "linux-test2"
tags                = var.tags
nic_id = [module.vm-jpdev.nic_id]
subnet_id = module.subnet-networkcore.subnet_id
virtual_machine_size = "Standard_D2"
admin_username       = "jpadmin"
admin_ssh_public_key = file("~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub")
source_image_publisher = "Canonical"
source_image_offer     = "UbuntuServer"
source_image_sku       = "16.04-LTS"
source_image_version   = "latest"
operating_system_disk_cache = "ReadWrite"
operating_system_disk_type  = "Standard_LRS"
ip_configuration_name         = "internal"
private_ip_address_allocation = "Dynamic"
public_ip_allocation_method = "Static"
public_ip_sku               = "Standard"


# Linux Virtual Machine
resource "azurerm_linux_virtual_machine" "vm-linux" {
name                = var.linux_machine_name
location            = var.location
resource_group_name = var.resource_group_name
tags                = var.tags
size                            = var.virtual_machine_size
admin_username                  = var.admin_username
disable_password_authentication = true
network_interface_ids           = var.nic_id
admin_ssh_key {
username   = var.admin_username
public_key = var.admin_ssh_public_key
source_image_reference {
publisher = var.source_image_publisher
offer     = var.source_image_offer
sku       = var.source_image_sku
version   = var.source_image_version
# plan {
#   name      = var.plan_name
#   product   = var.plan_product
#   publisher = var.plan_publisher
# }
dynamic "plan" {
for_each = var.plan_product == "rocky-lnx-8-latest" ? [1] : []
content {
name      = var.plan_name
product   = var.plan_product
publisher = var.plan_publisher
os_disk {
caching              = var.operating_system_disk_cache
storage_account_type = var.operating_system_disk_type
# Network Interfaces for Linux VM
resource "azurerm_network_interface" "nic-linux" {
name                = var.linux_machine_name
location            = var.location
resource_group_name = var.resource_group_name
tags                = var.tags
ip_configuration {
name                          = var.ip_configuration_name
subnet_id                     = var.subnet_id
private_ip_address_allocation = var.private_ip_address_allocation
public_ip_address_id          = azurerm_public_ip.pip-linux.id
resource "azurerm_public_ip" "pip-linux" {
name                = var.linux_machine_name
location            = var.location
resource_group_name = var.resource_group_name
tags                = var.tags
allocation_method = var.public_ip_allocation_method
sku               = var.public_ip_sku


# VM Name
variable "linux_machine_name" {
description = "Linux Virtual Machine Name - If left blank generated from metadata module"
type        = string
default     = ""
variable "resource_group_name" {
description = "Resource group name"
type        = string
variable "location" {
description = "Azure region"
type        = string
variable "tags" {
description = "tags to be applied to resources"
type        = map(string)
# VM Size
variable "virtual_machine_size" {
description = "Instance size to be provisioned"
type        = string
variable "admin_username" {
description = "names to be applied to resources"
type        = string
variable "admin_ssh_public_key" {
description = "(Linux) Public SSH Key - Generated if left blank"
type        = string
default     = ""
sensitive   = true
# Operating System
variable "source_image_publisher" {
description = "Operating System Publisher"
type        = string
variable "source_image_offer" {
description = "Operating System Name"
type        = string
variable "source_image_sku" {
description = "Operating System SKU"
type        = string
variable "source_image_version" {
description = "Operating System Version"
type        = string
default     = "latest"
# Plan Block Variables
variable "plan_name" {
description = "Plan Name"
type        = string
variable "plan_product" {
description = "Plan Product"
type        = string
variable "plan_publisher" {
description = "Plan Publisher"
type        = string
# Operating System Disk
variable "operating_system_disk_cache" {
description = "Type of caching to use on the OS disk - Options: None, ReadOnly or ReadWrite"
type        = string
default     = "ReadWrite"
variable "operating_system_disk_type" {
description = "Type of storage account to use with the OS disk - Options: Standard_LRS, StandardSSD_LRS or Premium_LRS"
type        = string
default     = "StandardSSD_LRS"
variable "ip_configuration_name" {
description = "ip configuration name"
type        = string
default     = ""
# Networking
variable "nic_id" {
type        = list(string)
description = "ID of the nic"
variable "subnet_id" {
type        = string
description = "ID of the subnet"
variable "private_ip_address_allocation" {
type        = string
description = "Private ip allocation method"
variable "public_ip_allocation_method" {
type        = string
description = "Public ip allocation method"
variable "public_ip_sku" {
description = "SKU to be used with this public IP - Basic or Standard"
type        = string
default     = "Standard"


# Interface id
output "nic_id" {
description = "ids of the vm nics provisoned."
value = azurerm_network_interface.nic-linux.id


# Plan Block Variables
variable "plan_name" {
description = "Plan Name"
type        = string
default     = ""
variable "plan_product" {
description = "Plan Product"
type        = string
default     = ""
variable "plan_publisher" {
description = "Plan Publisher"
type        = string
default     = ""
