
背景:我已经为HarvardX CS50AI在线课程的扫雷ai项目工作了几天。目标是为扫雷舰游戏实现人工智能。可在此处访问问题集:https://cs50.harvard.edu/ai/2020/projects/1/minesweeper/





class Sentence():
Logical statement about a Minesweeper game
A sentence consists of a set of board cells,
and a count of the number of those cells which are mines.
def __init__(self, cells, count):
self.cells = set(cells)
self.count = count
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.cells == other.cells and self.count == other.count
def __str__(self):
return f"{self.cells} = {self.count}"
def known_mines(self):
Returns the set of all cells in self.cells known to be mines.
# Because we are eliminating safe cells from the the statement, we are looking for statements
# that would contain number of cells that is equal (or smaller) than number of mines.
# Upon fulfilment of such condition, evaluated cells are known to be mines.
if len(self.cells) <= self.count:
return self.cells
return None
def known_safes(self):
Returns the set of all cells in self.cells known to be safe.
# There is only one case when the cells are known to be "safes" - when the number of count is 0.
if self.count == 0:
return self.cells
return None
def mark_mine(self, cell):
Updates internal knowledge representation given the fact that
a cell is known to be a mine.
# Marking mine implies two logical consequences:
# a) the number of counts must decrease by one (n - 1);
# b) the cell marked as mine must be discarded from the sentence (we keep track,
# only of the cells that are still unknown to be mines or "safes".
if cell in self.cells:
self.count -= 1
if self.count < 0:  # this is a safeguard from any improper inference set forth.
self.count = 0
def mark_safe(self, cell):
Updates internal knowledge representation given the fact that
a cell is known to be safe.
# Marking "safe" implies one logical consequence:
# a) the cell marked as safe must be discarded from the sentence.
if cell in self.cells:


class MinesweeperAI():
Minesweeper game player
def __init__(self, height=8, width=8):
# Set initial height and width
self.height = height
self.width = width
# Keep track of which cells have been clicked on
self.moves_made = set()
# Keep track of cells known to be safe or mines
self.mines = set()
self.safes = set()
# List of sentences about the game known to be true
self.knowledge = []
def mark_mine(self, cell):
Marks a cell as a mine, and updates all knowledge
to mark that cell as a mine as well.
for sentence in self.knowledge:
def mark_safe(self, cell):
Marks a cell as safe, and updates all knowledge
to mark that cell as safe as well.
for sentence in self.knowledge:
def add_knowledge(self, cell, count):
Called when the Minesweeper board tells us, for a given
safe cell, how many neighboring cells have mines in them.
This function should:
1) mark the cell as a move that has been made
2) mark the cell as safe
3) add a new sentence to the AI's knowledge base
based on the value of `cell` and `count`
4) mark any additional cells as safe or as mines
if it can be concluded based on the AI's knowledge base
5) add any new sentences to the AI's knowledge base
if they can be inferred from existing knowledge
# 1) mark the cell as a move that has been made.
# 2) mark the cell as safe. By this we are also updating our internal knowledge base.
# 3) add a new sentence to the AI's knowledge base based on the value of `cell` and `count`
sentence_prep = set()
# Sentence must include all the adjacent tiles, but do not include:
# a) the revealed cell itself;
# b) the cells that are known to be mines;
# c) the cell that are known to be safe.
for i in range(cell[0] - 1, cell[0] + 2):
for j in range(cell[1] - 1, cell[1] + 2):  # Those two cover all the adjacent tiles.
if (i, j) != cell:
if (i, j) not in self.moves_made and (i, j) not in self.mines and (i, j) not in self.safes:
if 0 <= i < self.height and 0 <= j < self.width:  # The cell must be within the game frame.
sentence_prep.add((i, j))
new_knowledge = Sentence(sentence_prep, count)  # Adding newly formed knowledge to the KB.
# 4) mark any additional cells as safe or as mines,
#   if it can be concluded based on the AI's knowledge base
# 5) add any new sentences to the AI's knowledge base
#    if they can be inferred from existing knowledge.
while True:  # iterating knowledge base in search for new conclusions on safes or mines.
amended = False  # flag indicates that we have made changes to the knowledge, new run required.
knowledge_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.knowledge)  # creating copy of the database.
for sentence in knowledge_copy:  # cleaning empty sets from the database.
if len(sentence.cells) == 0:
knowledge_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.knowledge)  # creating copy once again, without empty sets().
for sentence in knowledge_copy:
mines_check = sentence.known_mines()  # this should return: a set of mines that are known mines or None.
safes_check = sentence.known_safes()  # this should return: a set of safes that are known safes or None
if mines_check is not None:
for cell in mines_check:
self.mark_mine(cell)  # marking cell as a mine, and updating internal knowledge.
amended = True  # raising flag.
if safes_check is not None:
for cell in safes_check:
self.mark_safe(cell)  # marking cell as a safe, and updating internal knowledge.
amended = True  # raising flag.
# the algorithm should infer new knowledge,
# basing on reasoning: (A.cells - B.cells) = (A.count - B.count), if
# B is the subset of A.
knowledge_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.knowledge)  # creating copy once again, updated checks.
for sentence_one in knowledge_copy:
for sentence_two in knowledge_copy:
if len(sentence_one.cells) != 0 and len(sentence_two.cells) != 0:  # In case of the empty set
if sentence_one.cells != sentence_two.cells:  # Comparing sentences (if not the same).
if sentence_one.cells.issubset(sentence_two.cells):  # If sentence one is subset of sen_two.
new_set = sentence_two.cells.difference(sentence_one.cells)
if len(new_set) != 0:  # if new set is not empty (in case of bug).
new_counts = sentence_two.count - sentence_one.count
if new_counts >= 0:  # if the counts are equal or bigger than 0 (in case of bug).
new_sentence = Sentence(new_set, new_counts)
if new_sentence not in self.knowledge:  # if the sentence is not already in
# the KB.
amended = True  # raising flag.
if not amended:
break  # If the run resulted in no amendments, then we can not make any additional amendments,
# to our KB.
def make_safe_move(self):
Returns a safe cell to choose on the Minesweeper board.
The move must be known to be safe, and not already a move
that has been made.
This function may use the knowledge in self.mines, self.safes
and self.moves_made, but should not modify any of those values.
for cell in self.safes:
if cell not in self.moves_made:
return cell
return None
def make_random_move(self):
Returns a move to make on the Minesweeper board.
Should choose randomly among cells that:
1) have not already been chosen, and
2) are not known to be mines
for i in range(self.height):
for j in range(self.width):
cell = (i, j)
if cell not in self.moves_made and cell not in self.mines:
return cell
return None





for i in range(cell[0] - 1, cell[0] + 2):
for j in range(cell[1] - 1, cell[1] + 2):  # Those two cover all the adjacent tiles.
if (i, j) != cell:
if (i, j) not in self.moves_made and (i, j) not in self.mines and (i, j) not in self.safes:
if 0 <= i < self.height and 0 <= j < self.width:  # The cell must be within the game frame.
sentence_prep.add((i, j))
elif (i, j) in self.mines: # One of the neighbors is a known mine. Reduce the count.
count -= 1
new_knowledge = Sentence(sentence_prep, count)  # Adding newly formed knowledge to the KB.



def get_neighbours(size, x, y):
for i in range(x - 1, x + 2):
for j in range(y - 1, y + 2):  # Those two cover all the adjacent tiles.
if (i, j) != (x, y):
if 0 <= i < size[0] and 0 <= j < size[1]:
yield i, j

class SimpleBoard:
def __init__(self, size, grid):
self.size = size
self.grid = grid
def calc(self):
for x in range(self.size[0]):
for y in range(self.size[1]):
if self.grid[x][y] != 9:
self.grid[x][y] = sum(1 for i, j in get_neighbours(self.size, x, y) if self.grid[i][j] == 9)
def random(cls, size, count):
self = cls(size, [[0] * size[1] for _ in range(size[0])])
options = list(product(range(size[0]), range(size[1])))
mines = options[:count]
for x, y in mines:
self.grid[x][y] = 9
return self
def build_ai_view(ai: MinesweeperAI, board: SimpleBoard):
out = []
for x in range(ai.height):
out.append(l :=[])
for y in range(ai.width):
cell = x,y
if cell in ai.mines:
assert cell not in ai.safes
l.append("X" if board.grid[x][y] == 9 else "%")
elif cell in ai.safes:
l.append(str(board.grid[x][y]) if cell in ai.moves_made else "_")
cells_to_sentence = defaultdict(list)
for i, sentence in enumerate(ai.knowledge):
for c in sentence.cells:
unique_groups = []
for c, ss in cells_to_sentence.items():
if ss not in unique_groups:
labels = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz"
for (x, y), ss in cells_to_sentence.items():
i = unique_groups.index(ss)
l = labels[i]
assert out[x][y] == "?"
out[x][y] = l
for i, ss in enumerate(unique_groups):
out.append(l := [labels[i]])
if len(ss) > 1:
l.append("overlap of")
for s in ss:
if [s] not in unique_groups:
# l.extend(labels[unique_groups.index([s])] for s in ss)
return "n".join(map(str, out))


board = SimpleBoard((8, 8), [
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 9, 0, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 9, 0, 9, 0, 9, 0, 0],


start = next((x, y) for x in range(board.size[0]) for y in range(board.size[1]) if board.grid[x][y] == 0)
ai = MinesweeperAI(*board.size)
ai.add_knowledge(start, 0)
print(build_ai_view(ai, board))
while True:
target = ai.make_safe_move()
x, y = target
if board.grid[x][y] == 9:
print("FOUND MINE", x, y)
ai.add_knowledge((x, y), board.grid[x][y])
print(build_ai_view(ai, board))




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