



TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'datetime.date'





from datetime import date, timedelta, datetime
import inspect
from turtle import title
from typing import Iterator
import numpy as np
import json
import requests
from calendar import month, monthrange
import print
# Ask for a month and year input (set to September for quick testing)
monthInput = "09"
yearInput = "2022"
# Request from UK GOV and filter to England and Wales
holidaysJSON = requests.get("https://www.gov.uk/bank-holidays.json")
ukHolidaysJSON = json.loads(holidaysJSON.text)['england-and-wales']['events']
# List for all England and Wales holidays
ukHolidayList = []
eventIterator = 0
for events in ukHolidaysJSON:
ukHolidayDate = list(ukHolidaysJSON[eventIterator].values())[1]
eventIterator += 1
# Calculate days in the month
daysInMonth = monthrange(int(yearInput), int(monthInput))[1] # Extract the number of days in the month
# Define start and end dates
sdate = date(int(yearInput), int(monthInput), 1)   # start date
edate = date(int(yearInput), int(monthInput), int(daysInMonth))   # end date
# Calculate delta
delta = edate - sdate
# Find all of the business days in the month
numberOfWorkingDays = 0
for i in range(delta.days + 1):  # Look through all days in the month
day = sdate + timedelta(days=i)
if np.is_busday([day]) and str(day) not in ukHolidayList: # Determine if it's a business day
print("- " + str(day))
numberOfWorkingDays += 1
# Count all of the UK holidays
numberOfHolidays = 0
for i in range(delta.days + 1):  # Look through all days in the month
day = sdate + timedelta(days=i)
if str(day) in ukHolidayList: # Determine if it's a uk holiday
numberOfHolidays += 1
# Strip the 0 from the month input
month = months[monthInput.lstrip('0')]
# for x in ukHolidaysJSON:
#     pprint.pprint(x["title"])
# This is where I've gotten to
hols = [ title["title"] for title in ukHolidaysJSON if title["date"] < sdate and title["date"] > edate ]



hols = [ title["title"] for title in ukHolidaysJSON if datetime.strptime(title["date"], '%Y-%m-%d').date() < sdate and datetime.strptime(title["date"], "%Y-%m-%d").date() > edate ]


hols = [title["title"] for title in ukHolidaysJSON
if datetime.strptime(title["date"], "%Y-%M-%d").date() < sdate and
datetime.strptime(title["date"], "%Y-%M-%d").date() > edate]
