


// do this after this amount of time
public static func after<T>( ms : Int, function : () -> T) async -> T
await delay(ms: ms)
return function()
// do this after this amount of time
public static func after<T>( ms : Int, function : () throws -> T) async throws -> T
await delay(ms: ms)
return try function()
// do this after this amount of time
public static func after<T>( ms : Int, function : () async -> T) async -> T
await delay(ms: ms)
return await function()

// do this after this amount of time
public static func after<T>( ms : Int, function : () async throws -> T) async throws -> T
await delay(ms: ms)
return try await function()



func after<T>(ms: Int, function: () async throws -> T) async rethrows -> T {
delay(ms: ms)
return try await function()




// No error thrown (no need for try); function is not async
let a = await after(ms: 10) { return 1 }
// No error thrown; function is async
let b = await after(ms: 10) { return await after(ms: 20) { return 2 } }
// Error thrown (try needed); function is not async
let c = try await after(ms: 10) { throw NSError() }
// Error thrown; function is async
let d = try await after(ms: 10) { return try await after(ms: 20) { throw NSError() } }
