

const fetch = (x, o) => {
if (x >= o) {
return x
} else {
const v = (x * x) % o
return (x <= o / 2) ? v : o - v
const fetch16 = (x) => fetch(x, 65519)
const fetch8 = (x) => fetch(x, 251)
// the last number can be anything.
const build16 = (x, o) => fetch16((fetch16(x) + o) % 65536 ^ 42703)
const build8 = (x, o) => fetch8((fetch8(x) + o) % 256 ^ 101)
const j = 115; // If you don't want duplicates, either i or j should stay fixed
let i = 0
let invalid = [];
let valid = new Set;
while (i <= 255) { // <-- small fix here!
let x = build8(i, j); // To test, you can swap i and j here, and run again.
if (x > 255) {
invalid.push([ i, j, x ]);
} else {
console.log("invalid:", JSON.stringify(invalid));
console.log("count of valid:", valid.size);





const build8b = (x) => fetch8((fetch8(x) + 123) % 256 ^ 101)


console.log(build8b(100)) // => 92
// then this is what we need to figure out how to implement:
console.log(reverse8b(92)) // => 100


大致来说,这里的平方是可逆的因为可以计算根号取素数的模。如果你得到的输入值x不是二次余数,那么p - x将是。




const fetch = (x, o) => {
if (x >= o) {
return x
} else {
const v = (x * x) % o
return (x <= o / 2) ? v : o - v
const powmod = (a, k, p) => {
let t = a
let x = 1
while (k != 0) {
if (k & 1) {
x *= t
x %= p
t = (t * t) % p
k >>= 1
return x
const euler = (a, p) => powmod(a, (p - 1) / 2, p)
const sqrt = (z, p) => {
if (z >= p) {
return z
const e = euler(z, p)
if (e != 1) {
z = p - z
const k = (p - 3) / 4
const v = powmod(z, k + 1, p)
return (v <= p / 2) ? v : p - v
const sqrt8 = (x) => sqrt(x, 251)
const fetch16 = (x) => fetch(x, 65519)
const fetch8 = (x) => fetch(x, 251)
// the last number can be anything.
const build16 = (x, o) => fetch16((fetch16(x) + o) % 65536 ^ 42703)
const build8 = (x, o) => fetch8((fetch8(x) + o) % 256 ^ 101)
const test8 = (x, o) => ((fetch8(x) + o) % 256)
const testinv8 = (x, o) => sqrt8((256 + x - o) % 256)
const inv8 = (x, o) => sqrt8(((sqrt8(x) ^ 101) + (256 - o)) % 256)
const j = 115; // If you don't want duplicates, either i or j should stay fixed
let i = 0
let invalid = [];
let valid = new Set;
while (i <= 255) { // <-- small fix here!
let x = build8(i, j); // To test, you can swap i and j here, and run again.
let y = inv8(x, j)
let z = test8(i, j)
let a = testinv8(z, j)
if (x > 255) {
invalid.push([ i, j, x ]);
} else {
console.log("item ", i, ", ", x, ", ", y, ", ", z, ", ", a)
console.log("invalid:", JSON.stringify(invalid));
console.log("count of valid:", valid.size);
