




Constraint spaceBetweenExams(ConstraintFactory constraintFactory) {
return constraintFactory.forEach(Student.class)
.filter((student, exam1, exam2) ->{
if(student.getExamIds().contains(exam1.getID()) && student.getExamIds().contains(exam2.getID())){
if(exam1.getID() < exam2.getID()){
int timeDifference = Math.abs(exam1.getTimeslot().getID() - exam2.getTimeslot().getID());
if (timeDifference == 1) {
penalty = 16;
} else if (timeDifference == 2) {
penalty = 8;
} else if (timeDifference == 3) {
penalty = 4;
} else if (timeDifference == 4) {
penalty = 2;
} else if (timeDifference == 5) {
penalty = 1;
return true;
return false;
.penalize("Max time between exams", HardSoftScore.ofSoft(penalty));



public class ExamTableConstraintProvider implements ConstraintProvider {
int penalty = 0;
List<Integer> studentExamIds;
public Constraint[] defineConstraints(ConstraintFactory constraintFactory) {
return new Constraint[]{
// Hard constraints
// Soft constraints
private Constraint twoExamForStudentConflict(ConstraintFactory constraintFactory) {
return constraintFactory.forEach(Exam.class)
.filter((exam1, exam2) -> {
List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<>(exam1.getSID());
return result.size() > 0;
.penalize("Student conflict", HardSoftScore.ONE_HARD);
Constraint spaceBetweenExams(ConstraintFactory constraintFactory) {
return constraintFactory.forEach(Student.class)
.filter((student, exam1, exam2) ->{
if(student.getExamIds().contains(exam1.getID()) && student.getExamIds().contains(exam2.getID())){
if(exam1.getID() < exam2.getID()){
int timeDifference = Math.abs(exam1.getTimeslot().getID() - exam2.getTimeslot().getID());
if (timeDifference == 1) {
penalty = 16;
} else if (timeDifference == 2) {
penalty = 8;
} else if (timeDifference == 3) {
penalty = 4;
} else if (timeDifference == 4) {
penalty = 2;
} else if (timeDifference == 5) {
penalty = 1;
return true;
return false;
.penalize("Max time between exams", HardSoftScore.ofSoft(penalty));
/*Constraint spaceBetweenExams(ConstraintFactory constraintFactory) {
penalty = 0;
return constraintFactory.forEach(Student.class)
equal(Student::getExamIds, Exam::getID),
filtering((student, exam1) -> exam1.getTimeslot() != null))
equal((student, exam1) -> student.getExamIds(), Exam::getID),
equal((student, exam1) -> exam1.getTimeslot(), Exam::getTimeslot),
filtering((student, exam1, exam2) -> {
int timeDifference = getPeriodBetweenExams(exam1, exam2);
if (timeDifference == 1) {
penalty += 16;
} else if (timeDifference == 2) {
penalty += 8;
} else if (timeDifference == 3) {
penalty += 4;
} else if (timeDifference == 4) {
penalty += 2;
} else if (timeDifference == 5) {
penalty += 1;
if(penalty == 0){
return false;
return true;
.penalize("Max time between exams", HardSoftScore.ONE_SOFT);



public class ExamTableApp {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExamTableApp.class);
public static void main(String[] args) {
SolverFactory<ExamTable> solverFactory = SolverFactory.create(new SolverConfig()
// The solver runs only for 5 seconds on this small dataset.
// It's recommended to run for at least 5 minutes ("5m") otherwise.
// Load the problem
ExamTable problem = getData();
// Solve the problem
Solver<ExamTable> solver = solverFactory.buildSolver();
ExamTable solution = solver.solve(problem);
// Visualize the solution
public static ExamTable getData(){
DataReader parser = new DataReader("benchmarks/sta-f-83.crs", "benchmarks/sta-f-83.stu");
List<Room> roomList = new ArrayList<>(1);
roomList.add(new Room(1,"Room A"));
//        roomList.add(new Room(2,"Room B"));
//        roomList.add(new Room(3,"Room C"));
List<Exam> examList = new ArrayList<>();
HashMap<Integer, Exam> exams = parser.getExams();
Set<Integer> keys = exams.keySet();
for (Integer i : keys) {
Exam exam = exams.get(i);
examList.add(new Exam(exam.getID(),  exam.getSID()));
List<Student> studentList = new ArrayList<>();
HashMap<Integer, Student> students = parser.getStudents();
Set<Integer> keys2 = students.keySet();
for (Integer i : keys2) {
Student student = students.get(i);
studentList.add(new Student(student.getID(), student.getExamIds()));
return new ExamTable(parser.getTimeslots(), roomList, examList, studentList);
private static void printTimetable(ExamTable examTable) {
List<Room> roomList = examTable.getRoomList();
List<Exam> examList = examTable.getExamList();
Map<TimeSlot, Map<Room, List<Exam>>> examMap = examList.stream()
.filter(exam -> exam.getTimeslot() != null && exam.getRoom() != null)
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Exam::getTimeslot, Collectors.groupingBy(Exam::getRoom)));
LOGGER.info("|            | " + roomList.stream()
.map(room -> String.format("%-10s", room.getName())).collect(Collectors.joining(" | ")) + " |");
LOGGER.info("|" + "------------|".repeat(roomList.size() + 1));
for (TimeSlot timeslot : examTable.getTimeslotList()) {
List<List<Exam>> cellList = roomList.stream()
.map(room -> {
Map<Room, List<Exam>> byRoomMap = examMap.get(timeslot);
if (byRoomMap == null) {
return Collections.<Exam>emptyList();
List<Exam> cellLessonList = byRoomMap.get(room);
if (cellLessonList == null) {
return Collections.<Exam>emptyList();
return cellLessonList;
LOGGER.info("| " + String.format("%-10s",
timeslot.getID() + " " + " | "
+ cellList.stream().map(cellLessonList -> String.format("%-10s",
cellLessonList.stream().map(Exam::getName).collect(Collectors.joining(", "))))
.collect(Collectors.joining(" | "))
+ " |"));
LOGGER.info("|" + "------------|".repeat(roomList.size() + 1));
List<Exam> unassignedExams = examList.stream()
.filter(exam -> exam.getTimeslot() == null || exam.getRoom() == null)
if (!unassignedExams.isEmpty()) {
LOGGER.info("Unassigned lessons");
for (Exam exam : unassignedExams) {
LOGGER.info("  " + exam.getName() + " - " + exam.getNumberOfStudents() + " - " + exam.getSID());





Constraint spaceBetweenExams(ConstraintFactory constraintFactory) {
return constraintFactory.forEach(Student.class)
.filter((student, exam1, exam2) -> {
if(student.getExamIds().contains(exam1.getID()) && student.getExamIds().contains(exam2.getID())){
if(exam1.getID() < exam2.getID()){
return true;
return false;
.penalize("Max time between exams", HardSoftScore.ONE_SOFT,
(student, exam1, exam2) ->{
int timeDifference = Math.abs(exam1.getTimeslot().getID() - exam2.getTimeslot().getID());
if (timeDifference == 1) {
return 16;
} else if (timeDifference == 2) {
return 8;
} else if (timeDifference == 3) {
return 4;
} else if (timeDifference == 4) {
return 2;
} else {
return 1;

