

private int size = 0;
private int maxsize = 16;
private int[] arr = new int[maxsize];
public void append(val, list)
if (size == maxsize)
int[] newArr = new int[maxsize * 2];
for (i = 0; i <= size ; i++)
newArr[i] = arr[i];
arr = newArr;
maxsize = maxsize*2;
arr[size++] = val;


  • 第一行应该是:private int size = 16;
  • 第7行应该是:if (size > maxsize)
  • 第10行应该是:for (i = 0 ; i <= maxsize ; i++)
  • 第13行应该放在第10行之前
  • 第15行应该是:arr[++size] = val;



//this is ok since at tehe beginning there are no elements in the array
private int size = 0; 
//initial capacity of the array, ok too
private int maxsize = 16; 
//an array of elements with value 0, ok too
private int[] arr = new int[maxsize]; 
//ok but a potential bug: what is list used for?
public void append(val, list) 
//if the size of the list hits the capacity, we need to increase space, so this is ok
if (size == maxsize)
//we create a new array with 2x the previous size, ok as well
int[] newArr = new int[maxsize * 2]; 
//we're looping and copying the elements from the old array to the new one
//bug: for i == size it would try to access arr[size] which is out of bounds
//fix: use i < size or even i < maxsize if you have to
for (i = 0; i <= size ; i++) 
newArr[i] = arr[i];
//move the references to "point" to the new array - ok
arr = newArr;
//double capacity - could have been better but ok here
maxsize = maxsize*2;
//add a new element at the index right after the last (i.e. size) and increase size by 1
arr[size++] = val;


第一行应该是:private int size = 16;


第7行应该是:if (size > maxsize)

不应该是真的,因为arr[size++]会在size == maxsize。它也不会修复这个错误。

第10行应该是:for (i = 0 ; i <= maxsize ; i++)

本质上与for (i = 0 ; i <= size ; i++)相同,因为它只在size == maxsize时执行。它包含相同的错误,但没有修复它。



int[] newArr = new int[maxsize * 2];
maxsize = maxsize*2;
for (i = 0; i <= size ; i++)
newArr[i] = arr[i];
arr = newArr;


maxsize = maxsize*2;
int[] newArr = new int[maxsize];


int newMaxSize = maxsize * 2;
int[] newArr = new int[newMaxSize];
for (i = 0; i <= size ; i++)
newArr[i] = arr[i];
arr = newArr;
//could be before the loop as well but it's safer to set it here, e.g. someone could change the loop to "for (i = 0; i < maxsize ; i++)" ;)
maxsize = newMaxSize;

第15行应该是:arr[++size] = val;

这将使第一个元素(索引0处)"为空"(0)和将打破size == maxsize-1。不能修复错误。
