

Sub Macro1()
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim RA1 As Variant
Dim RA2 As Variant
Dim RA3 As Variant
Dim RA4 As Variant
ReDim RA1(1 To 63)
ReDim RA2(1 To 63)
ReDim RA3(1 To 63)
ReDim RA4(1 To 63)
For i = 1 To 1000
Rnd (-1)
Randomize i
For j = 1 To 63

RA1(j) = Rnd

Next j

Rnd (-2)
Randomize i
For k = 1 To 63

RA2(k) = Rnd

Next k

Rnd (-3)
Randomize i
For l = 1 To 63

RA3(l) = Rnd

Next l

Rnd (-4)
Randomize i
For m = 1 To 63

RA4(m) = Rnd

Next m
With Sheets("Economic Assumptions")

.Range("B10:BL10").Value = RA1
.Range("B11:BL11").Value = RA2
.Range("B12:BL12").Value = RA3
.Range("B13:BL13").Value = RA4

End With
Next i
End Sub

然而,虽然RA1是唯一的,但我发现RA2, RA3和RA4中的随机数在每个i中都是完全相同的。换句话说,我的代码给出了RA1 <>Ra2 = ra3 = ra4。为什么呢?我认为改变RND的参数会改变随机数的种子?特别地,我需要RA1, RA2, RA3和RA4对每个I都有自己的随机数集,但是当我重新运行整个过程时,我每次都应该得到相同的随机数。我如何调整我的代码来实现这一点?



子Macro1 ()

Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim RA1 As Variant
Dim RA2 As Variant
Dim RA3 As Variant
Dim RA4 As Variant
ReDim RA1(1 To 63)
ReDim RA2(1 To 63)
ReDim RA3(1 To 63)
ReDim RA4(1 To 63)
For i = 1 To 1000
Rnd (-1)
Randomize i
For j = 1 To 63

RA1(j) = Rnd

Next j
For k = 1 To 63

RA2(k) = Rnd

Next k
For l = 1 To 63

RA3(l) = Rnd

Next l
For m = 1 To 63

RA4(m) = Rnd

Next m

With Sheets("Economic Assumptions")

.Range("B10:BL10").Value = RA1
.Range("B11:BL11").Value = RA2
.Range("B12:BL12").Value = RA3
.Range("B13:BL13").Value = RA4

End With
Next i
End Sub



Option Explicit
Sub xx()
Dim arr, nrOfsets As Long
arr = WorksheetFunction.RandArray(1, 63)
nrOfsets = 4

Dim arr2, j As Long, i As Long
ReDim arr2(1 To nrOfsets, 1 To UBound(arr))
For j = 1 To nrOfsets
For i = 1 To UBound(arr)
arr2(j, i) = arr(i)
Next i
arr = Resample(arr):
Next j

Dim startrow As Long, startcol As Long
startrow = 10: startcol = 2
With Sheet3
.Range(.Cells(startrow, startcol), .Cells(startrow - 1 + nrOfsets, startcol - 1 + UBound(arr2, 2))) = arr2
End With
End Sub

Function Resample(data_vector As Variant) As Variant()
'source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61020724/shuffle-an-array-in-vba
Dim shuffled_vector() As Variant
shuffled_vector = data_vector
Dim i As Long
For i = UBound(shuffled_vector) To LBound(shuffled_vector) Step -1
Dim t As Variant
t = shuffled_vector(i)
Dim j As Long
j = Application.RandBetween(LBound(shuffled_vector), UBound(shuffled_vector))
shuffled_vector(i) = shuffled_vector(j)
shuffled_vector(j) = t
Next i
Resample = shuffled_vector
End Function

