import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import MetaTrader5 as mt5
marketFeedArrayLength = 364320
timeFrame = mt5.TIMEFRAME_M1
m1_macdLine_fastEMA_period_1 = 1
m1_macdLine_slowEMA_period_480 = 480
m1_macdLine_slowEMA_period_840 = 840
def multiTF_MACD():
# Using for loop to iterate over each selected currency symbol.
for i in symbols_MultiTFMACD:
"Assign the relevant data column ('Close' price i.e. index 4) to a variable."
closeDataForEMA = np.load("%s.npy" % (i))[:,4]
"The tailored MACD data:"
m1_closeDataForEMA = np.flip(closeDataForEMA[-1::-timeFrame])
"Calculate the MACDs."
weightsFast_1 = np.exp(np.linspace(-1., 0., m1_macdLine_fastEMA_period_1))
weightsSlow_480 = np.exp(np.linspace(-1., 0., m1_macdLine_slowEMA_period_480))
weightsSlow_840 = np.exp(np.linspace(-1., 0., m1_macdLine_slowEMA_period_840))
# Normalize the weights.
weightsFast_1 /= weightsFast_1.sum()
weightsSlow_480 /= weightsSlow_480.sum()
weightsSlow_840 /= weightsSlow_840.sum()
# Third - Calculate the EMAs.
m1_fastEMA_1 = np.pad(np.convolve(weightsFast_1, m1_closeDataForEMA, mode='valid'), (m1_macdLine_fastEMA_period_1 - 1, 0))
m1_slowEMA_480 = np.pad(np.convolve(weightsSlow_480, m1_closeDataForEMA, mode='valid'), (m1_macdLine_slowEMA_period_480 - 1, 0))
m1_slowEMA_840 = np.pad(np.convolve(weightsSlow_840, m1_closeDataForEMA, mode='valid'), (m1_macdLine_slowEMA_period_840 - 1, 0))
# Get the MACD lines:
m1_macdLine_1_480 = m1_fastEMA_1 - m1_slowEMA_480
m1_macdLine_1_840 = m1_fastEMA_1 - m1_slowEMA_840
"Append the the MACD lines to columns in the .npy rate files"
# Create a file path capturing all the names.
file_path = "%s.npy" % (i)
# (i) Use numpy.load() to call the .npy rate files into Pandas.DataFrame().
npyToPandas = pd.DataFrame(np.load(file_path))
# (ii) Add the MACD lines as columns into their respective currency data frames.
npyToPandas['8'] = m1_macdLine_1_480
npyToPandas['9'] = m1_macdLine_1_840
# (iii) Covert the DF to an array and save as .npy format.
stackedFile_MultiTFMACD = np.save(i,
allow_pickle=True, fix_imports=False)
如果你将for i in symbols_MultiTFMACD:
循环中的所有内容转换为def process_symbol(symbol):
import concurrent.futures
with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor:
for symbol in symbols_MultiTFMACD:
executor.submit(process_symbol, symbol)