最终目标:我想在按比例取消订阅时自动退款给用户。我决定将这个过程分成两部分:1)扩展Stripe的webhook控制器,以调度一个使用收银员的退款方法计算和发出退款的作业;2)单独监听收费。refunddeent from Stripe,仅在退款成功时调整用户在Stripe上的余额。
namespace AppJobs;
use AppMailAmountProblemRefund;
use AppMailExceptionProcessingRefund;
use AppMailInvoiceProblemRefund;
use AppMailNoSubscriptionForRefund;
use AppMailNotEnoughCreditBalanceForRefund;
use AppMailNoUserForRefund;
use AppMailRefundFailed;
use Exception;
use IlluminateSupportFacadesLog;
use IlluminateSupportFacadesMail;
use LaravelCashierSubscription;
use StripeRefund;
class ProcessStripeRefundJob extends Job
* Create a new job instance.
* @return void
public function __construct(public array $payload)
public function run(): void
try {
// Find the subscription in the application using the Stripe subscription ID
$subscription = Subscription::where('stripe_id', $this->payload['data']['object']['id'])->first();
// Check if the subscription doesn't exist
if (!$subscription) {
Mail::to('*****@gmail.com')->send(new NoSubscriptionForRefund($this->payload));
Log::error('Subscription not found: ' . $this->payload['data']['object']['id']);
$user = $subscription->user;
// Check if the user doesn't exist
if (!$user) {
Mail::to('*****@gmail.com')->send(new NoUserForRefund($this->payload));
Log::error('User not found for subscription: ' . $subscription->id);
// Check if the user is currently on trial
if ($user->onTrial()) {
// The user is on trial, so no need to refund, just return a success response
// Retrieve the proration cancellation invoice, which should be the latest invoice, and it should be
// available straight after the subscription is canceled, so at this point we should already have it here
$latestInvoice = $user->findInvoice($this->payload['data']['object']['latest_invoice']);
// Retrieve the previous invoice with the original subscription amount
$previousInvoice = $user->findInvoice($latestInvoice->lines->data[0]->proration_details->credited_items->invoice);
// Check if the invoices exist
if (!$latestInvoice || !$previousInvoice) {
Mail::to('*****@gmail.com')->send(new InvoiceProblemRefund(
$this->payload, // stripe event payload
$this->payload['data']['object']['latest_invoice'], // latest invoice ID
Log::error('Latest or previous invoice not found');
// Refund amount comes from the first line item of the proration invoice, in my system currently this is the
// only line item as I offer only one subscription plan and user can only have one subscription at a time
// that value is in pennies
$refundAmount = abs($latestInvoice->lines->data[0]['amount']);
// Check if the refund amount is valid
if ($refundAmount <= 0) {
Mail::to('*****@gmail.com')->send(new AmountProblemRefund(
$this->payload, // stripe event payload
Log::error('Invalid refund amount: ' . $refundAmount);
// Get the user's balance - if this is a negative number, it means the user has a credit balance, meaning they
// have money that they can use to pay for their subscription next month, but we will use that credit balance
// to refund them prorated amount for the current billing cycle, that value is already in pennies
$balanceInPennies = abs($user->rawBalance());
// Determine if the payment was taken from the user's credit balance
$paymentFromCreditBalance = false; //TODO - implement this
$paymentFromOtherMethod = true; //TODO - implement this
// Handle the refund paid via the user's credit balance
if ($paymentFromCreditBalance) {
// TODO: Implement a refund process for cases when the payment was taken from the user's credit balance
// Handle the refund paid via other payment methods
if ($paymentFromOtherMethod) { // this means the payment was taken from the user's credit card
// Check if the user has enough credit to cover the refund
if ($balanceInPennies >= $refundAmount) {
// Create a refund in Stripe
$refund = $user->refund($previousInvoice->payment_intent, [
'amount' => $refundAmount,
'metadata' => [
'subscription_id' => $subscription->id,
'user_id' => $user->id,
'message' => 'Prorated refund for canceled subscription - adjust credit balance after it is processed'
// Check if the refund was successful
if (!$refund) {
Log::error('Refund failed for user: ' . $user->id);
Mail::to('*****@gmail.com')->send(new RefundFailed(
} else {
// email myself about the failed refund
Mail::to('*****@gmail.com')->send(new NotEnoughCreditBalanceForRefund($this->payload));
} catch (Exception $exception) {
// log the error so I have some backup in case the email fails
Log::error('Error processing refund', [
'payload' => $this->payload,
'line' => $exception->getLine(),
'file' => $exception->getFile(),
'stack' => $exception->getTraceAsString(),
'exception' => $exception->getMessage(),
// email myself about the failed refund
Mail::to('*****@gmail.com')->send(new ExceptionProcessingRefund(