


#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
int i = 0, sum = 0, n = 0,avg = 0;
FILE *numbers.txt;
fin = fopen("numbers.txt", "r");
while(fscanf(numbers.txt, "%d", &n) != EOF){
sum += n;
avg = (sum / i);
printf("The average is %d.n", avg);
return 0;






如果你发布的是你实际想要运行的,那么你很可能会在变量numbers.txt上得到编译器错误。.不是标识符1的有效字符,因此像FILE *numbers.txt这样的声明将被编译器拒绝。


* While the compiler couldn't care less about how you format your code,
* it's a good idea to use indentation and whitespace to make your code
* easier for other people to read.  Exact styles and preferences vary,
* what matters is that you're consistent.  This is the style I prefer.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int i = 0, sum = 0, n = 0,avg = 0;
* numbers.txt is not a valid identifier - you can't use that as a variable
* name.  I'm going to assume you meant to use fin as that's the target of
* your fopen call.  Note that you can initialize the variable with the
* result of the function call.  
FILE *fin = fopen("numbers.txt", "r");
* It's always a good idea to make sure the fopen call succeeded before
* trying to use the file pointer.
if ( !fin ) // or fin == NULL 
fputs( "Could not open numbers.txt", stderr );
* With the *scanf functions, it's better to check to see if you
* got the expected number of inputs rather than checking for EOF.
* It's possible for *scanf to return 0 if the first input character
* doesn't match the format specifier - e.g., if you read an 'a' or a 
* '.' or something like that.  
* In this case we expect 1 integer to be read, so we check that fscanf
* returns 1.  If it doesn't, *then* we check for EOF or bad input.  We'll
* create a new variable named items_read to store the return value
* of fscanf.  
* For this example, we'll bail out immediately if we see bad input.  
* There are ways to recover from bad input, but they'll make this 
* example longer than it needs to be.
int items_read;
while( (items_read = fscanf(fin, "%d", &n)) == 1)
sum += n;
* We do not need to compute the average in the body of the loop;
* that's something that only needs to be done after we've read
* all the inputs.
* Make sure we exited the loop normally by checking that items_read is
* not 0 and that we don't have a read error on the input stream:
if ( items_read == 0 || ferror( fin ) )
fputs( "Badly formed input file or error on input - exiting", stderr );
fclose( fin );
* Otherwise we've read to the end of the file.  
* It's a good idea to free resources (file pointers, dynamically allocated
* memory, etc.) as soon as you're done with them, rather than waiting
* until the end of the program, so we'll close the input file here. 
* *Now* we compute the average.
avg = (sum / i);
printf("The average is %d.n", avg);



double sum = 0.0, n = 0.0, avg = 0.0;
while( (items_read = fscanf( fin, "%lf", &n )) == 1 )
printf( "The average is %fn", avg );

  1. 标识符(变量名、函数名、枚举常量等)中唯一可以出现的标点符号是下划线——_
  2. 除非你真的受空间限制,或者你特别不想要那个级别的精度,使用double而不是float。大多数情况下,float值都会隐式提升为double
