Cloudflare Worker刷新页面,如果错误520


这不是资源问题,我们没有服务器访问权限。它真的不经常发生,所以我想运行一个Cloudflare Worker,如果有520错误刷新页面。





export default {
async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
if (request.body) {
// This request has a body, i.e. it's submitting some information to
// the server, not just requesting a web page. If we wanted to be able
// to retry such requests, we'd have to buffer the body so that we
// can send it twice. That is expensive, so instead we'll just hope
// that these requests (which are relatively uncommon) don't fail.
// So we just pass the request to the server and return the response
// nomally.
return fetch(request);
// Try the request the first time.
let response = await fetch(request);
if (response.status == 520) {
// The server returned status 520. Let's retry the request. But
// we'll only retry once, since we don't want to get stuck in an
// infinite retry loop.
// Let's discard the previous response body. This is not strictly
// required but it helps let the Workers Runtime know that it doesn't
// need to hold open the HTTP connection for the failed request.
await response.arrayBuffer();
// OK, now we retry the request, and replace the response with the
// new version.
response = await fetch(request);
return response;

