r语言 - 创建用于tmap的地理文件,并在编码shapefile时出现错误



library(ggplot2)      # For plotting
library(tidycensus)   # For downloading Census data
library(tmap)         # For creating tmap
library(tmaptools)    # For reading and processing spatial data related to tmap
library(dplyr)        # For data wrangling
library(sf)           # For reading, writing and working with spatial objects
census_api_key("enter your API key here", overwrite = TRUE)
dat12 <- get_acs("county", table = "B27001", year = 2012, 
output = "tidy", state = NULL, geometry = FALSE) %>%
rename(`2012` = estimate) %>%
select(-NAME, -moe) 
dat16 <- get_acs("county", table = "B27001", year = 2016, 
output = "tidy", state = NULL, geometry = TRUE, shift_geo = TRUE) %>%
rename(`2016` = estimate) %>%
dat <- left_join(dat16, dat12, by = c("GEOID", "variable"))
st_geometry(dat) <- NULL # This drops the geometry and leaves a table
dat <- mutate(dat,
cat = case_when(
variable %in% paste0("B27001_0",
c("09","12","37","40")) ~ "pop1834",
variable %in% paste0("B27001_0",
c("11","14","39","42")) ~ "pop1834ni")) %>%
# Create long version
dat <- tidyr::gather(dat, year, estimate, c(`2012`, `2016`))
# Group the data by our new categories and sum
dat <- group_by(dat, GEOID, NAME, year, cat) %>%
summarize(estimate = sum(estimate)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
tidyr::spread(cat, estimate) 
dat <- mutate(dat, est = (pop1834ni/pop1834) * 100) %>%
select(-c(pop1834, pop1834ni)) %>%
tidyr::spread(year, est) %>%
mutate(diff = `2016`-`2012`)
datlong <- select(dat, -diff) %>%
tidyr::gather(year, estimate, c(`2012`, `2016`)) %>%
group_by(year) %>%
mutate(med = round(median(estimate, na.rm = TRUE), 1))
ggplot(datlong, aes(estimate)) +
geom_histogram(fill = "firebrick2", 
color = "white", bins = 60) +
xlab("Uninsured adults ages 18-34 by county (%)") +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
facet_wrap(~year, ncol = 1) +
geom_vline(aes(xintercept = med,
group = year), lty = "dashed") +
geom_text(aes(label = paste("Median = ", med), x = med, y = 55))
d10 <- top_n(dat, 10, diff) %>%
mutate(type = "Insured population decreased",
difftemp = diff)
i10 <- top_n(dat, -10, diff) %>%
mutate(type = "Insured population increased",
difftemp = abs(diff))
id10 <- bind_rows(list(i10, d10)) %>%
ggplot(id10) + 
geom_col(aes(x = forcats::fct_reorder(NAME, difftemp), 
y = difftemp, fill = type)) +
coord_flip() +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("firebrick2", "cyan4")) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
legend.position = "bottom",
legend.title = element_blank()) +
ggtitle("Counties with the greatest change (+/-) in
insured population, ages 18-34, 2012-2016") +
ylab("Difference in % insured (2016 - 2012)") +
shp <- dat16 %>%
filter(variable == "B27001_001") # much faster than using distinct()
select(GEOID, NAME) %>%
left_join(dat, by = c("GEOID", "NAME")) %>%
arrange(GEOID) %>%
rename(uninsured_2012 = `2012`,
uninsured_2016 = `2016`,
uninsured_diff = diff)


shp <- dat16 %>%
filter(variable == "B27001_001") # much faster than using distinct()
select(GEOID, NAME) %>%
left_join(dat, by = c("GEOID", "NAME")) %>%
arrange(GEOID) %>%
rename(uninsured_2012 = `2012`,
uninsured_2016 = `2016`,
uninsured_diff = diff)


Error in select(GEOID, NAME) : object 'GEOID' not found



shp <- dat16 %>%
filter(variable == "B27001_001") %>% # much faster than using distinct()
select(GEOID, NAME) %>%
left_join(dat, by = c("GEOID", "NAME")) %>%
arrange(GEOID) %>%
uninsured_2012 = `2012`,
uninsured_2016 = `2016`,
uninsured_diff = diff


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