

  1. 创建一个4 "columns"或";cells"宽。
  2. 表应该包含一个给定范围的ASCII解码值,不需要扫描
  3. 范围可为:40-56、95-107、20-27
  4. 每一列之间都应该有制表符,但不是最后一个,所以FULL4宽的行不能以制表符结束,在其他情况下它应该
  5. 每个"cell"应该包含给定的ASCII解码值,该解码数的十六进制值和相应的ASCII字符本身,如果它是可打印的,在其他情况下,一个"?"

这个想法是使用if, less和循环来完成任务,例如,使用for或while循环。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()
int min=28;                         //give the starting point of the ASCII dec range
int max=40;                         //give the ending point of the ASCII dec range

int i, j;                           //these are used to produce rows and columns
for(i=min; i<=max; i=i+4)           //create a four "cells" wide row
for(j=i; j<=i+2 && j<max; j++)  //print the first three values for the row
if(isprint(j)){             //print the ASCII character if it's printable, if not, print question mark                         
printf("%3d 0x%02x %ct", j, j ,j);  
}else {
printf("%3d 0x%02x ?t",j, j);
if(isprint(j+3))                //print the last value for each row
printf("%3d 0x%02x %c", j, j ,j);
}else {
printf("%3d 0x%02x ?",j, j);

printf("n");                     //once a row has the max 4 "cells", start a new row and repeat the process
return 0;

然后给出"input "28-40:

28 0x1c ?    29 0x1d ?   30 0x1e ?   31 0x1f 
32 0x20      33 0x21 !   34 0x22 "   35 0x23 #
36 0x24 $    37 0x25 %   38 0x26 &   39 0x27 '
40 0x28 (




问题是循环的i < max条件阻止了最后一个值与制表符一起打印。

改为i <= max。然后在打印第四列的周围添加一个条件,以检查是否已经达到最大值。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()
int min=28;                         //give the starting point of the ASCII dec range
int max=40;                         //give the ending point of the ASCII dec range

int i, j;                           //these are used to produce rows and columns
for(i=min; i<=max; i=i+4)           //create a four "cells" wide row
for(j=i; j<=i+2 && j<=max; j++)  //print the first three values for the row
if(isprint(j)){             //print the ASCII character if it's printable, if not, print question mark
printf("%3d 0x%02x %ct", j, j ,j);
}else {
printf("%3d 0x%02x ?t",j, j);
if (j <= max) {                      //are we done?
if(isprint(j+3))                //print the last value for each row
printf("%3d 0x%02x %c", j, j ,j);
}else {
printf("%3d 0x%02x ?",j, j);
printf("n");                     //once a row has the max 4 "cells", start a new row and repeat the process
return 0;
