
  • 本文关键字:小数 意外 金额 货币 代码 计算 c#
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using System;
namespace MoneyMaker
class MainClass
public static void Main(string[] args)
// This code is meant to divide an (user given) amount of money into coins of different values.
// First we ask for an input.
Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Money Maker!.00");
Console.WriteLine("Please enter the amount you want to divide in Coins:");
string strAmount = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine($"${strAmount} Canopy is equal to:");
double wholeAmount = Convert.ToDouble(strAmount);
// These are the values of each coin.
// The cents are multiplied by 100 for the purposes of using then in the code.
// The bronze coins are listed, but unused, since their value is essentially 1.
double gold = 10;
double silver = 5;
//double bronze = 1;
double smolGold = .1 * 100;
double smolSilver = .05 * 100;
//double smolBronze = .01 * 100;
// These lines calculate the integral values (gold, silver and bronze coins).
double douAmount = Math.Floor(wholeAmount);
double goldCoins = Math.Floor(douAmount / gold);
double silAmount = douAmount % gold;
double silverCoins = Math.Floor(silAmount / silver);
double bronzeCoins = silAmount % silver;
// These lines calculate the decimal values (gold, silver and bronze cents).
// They start by multiplying the cents by 100, rendering the rest of the lines the same as in the integral values.
double smolAmount = 100 * (wholeAmount - douAmount);
double goldCents = Math.Floor(smolAmount / smolGold);
double littleSilver = smolAmount % smolGold;
double silverCents = Math.Floor(littleSilver / smolSilver);
//ERROR: There seems to be an issue with the bronze cents, returning a value with decimals.
double bronzeCents = littleSilver % smolSilver;
// Finally, the output string with the results:
Console.WriteLine($"n Gold Coins: {goldCoins} n Silver Coins: {silverCoins} n Bronze Coins: {bronzeCoins} n Gold Cents: {goldCents} n Silver Cents: {silverCents} n Bronze Cents: {bronzeCents}");






