
char *constant是指向我的链表头的指针。我应该使用全局字符指针";常数";在我的功能和我正在做的是-

typedef struct Node
int attribute;
struct Node next;
} Node;

void init(int data)
Node *constant = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node));
constant->attribute = data;

Node *next = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node));
next->attribute = data*2;
constant->next = next;
next->next = NULL;

void printList()
Node *temp = (Node *)constant;
while(temp != NULL)
printf("%dn", temp->attribute);
temp = temp->next;



从init((的第一行中删除Node*,得到constant = malloc(sizeof(Node));,这样您就可以实际使用全局变量,而不是本地变量。你还需要在任何你使用((Node*)constant)->next = next;的地方投射它,例如

init()函数中,您有点困惑如何在列表中添加起始节点。您有全局指针constant *head;添加节点时,声明并分配新的临时节点,并初始化成员设置attribute = data;next = NULL;分配第一个节点后,将节点地址分配给head


您可以使用两个全局指针headtail,其中tail将始终指向列表中的最后一个节点。这样,您就不必迭代插入列表的末尾,只需在tail->next = node;添加新节点,然后更新尾部,使其指向新的末端节点,例如tail = node;

假设您的struct constant类似于:

typedef struct constant {
int attribute;
struct constant *next;
} constant;


constant *head, *tail;
constant *add (int data)
constant *node = malloc (sizeof *node);     /* allocate */

if (!node) {                                /* validate EVERY allocation */
perror ("malloc-node");
return NULL;
node->attribute = data;                     /* assign data to attribute */
node->next = NULL;                          /* initialize next NULL */

if (!head)                                  /* if 1st node */
head = tail = node;                     /* assign node to both head, tail */
else {  /* otherwise */
tail->next = node;                      /* set tail->next = node */
tail = node;                            /* update tail to point to last node */

return node;                /* return pointer to added node to indicate success */



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct constant {
int attribute;
struct constant *next;
} constant;
constant *head, *tail;
constant *add (int data)
constant *node = malloc (sizeof *node);     /* allocate */

if (!node) {                                /* validate EVERY allocation */
perror ("malloc-node");
return NULL;
node->attribute = data;                     /* assign data to attribute */
node->next = NULL;                          /* initialize next NULL */

if (!head)                                  /* if 1st node */
head = tail = node;                     /* assign node to both head, tail */
else {  /* otherwise */
tail->next = node;                      /* set tail->next = node */
tail = node;                            /* update tail to point to last node */

return node;                /* return pointer to added node to indicate success */
void prn_list (void)
/* loop over each node using iter and output attribute for each node */
for (constant *iter = head; iter; iter = iter->next)
printf (" %d", iter->attribute);

putchar ('n');
void free_list (void)
/* loop over each node, but increment to next in list before deleting current */
for (constant *iter = head; iter;) {
constant *victim = iter;
iter = iter->next;
free (victim);
int main (void) {

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
add (i + 1);



$ ./bin/ll_global_head
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

