
  • 本文关键字:索引 ngFor 嵌套 angular ngfor
  • 更新时间 :
  • 英文 :



<div *ngFor="let parent of content; index as i" > 
<span>{{parent.name}} index - {{i}}</span>
<div *ngFor="let child of parent.childreen; i as parentIndex, index as i"  >
<span>{{child.name}} index - {{i}} parentIndex - {{parentIndex}}   </span>
<div *ngFor="let child of child.childreen; i as parentIndex, index as i">
<span>{{child}} index - {{i}} parentIndex - parentIndex</span>



Parent 1 index - 0
Child 1.1 index - 0 parentIndex - 0
Child 1.1.1 index - 0 parentIndex - 0
Child 1.1.2 index - 1 parentIndex - 0
Child 1.1.3 index - 2 parentIndex - 0
Child 1.2 index - 1 parentIndex - 0
Child 1.2.1 index - 0 parentIndex - 1
Child 1.2.2 index - 1 parentIndex - 1
Child 1.2.3 index - 2 parentIndex - 1
Parent 2 index - 1
Child 2.1 index - 0 parentIndex - 1
Child 2.1.1 index - 0 parentIndex - 0
Child 2.1.2 index - 1 parentIndex - 0
Child 2.1.3 index - 2 parentIndex - 0
Child 2.2 index - 1 parentIndex - 1
Child 2.2.1 index - 0 parentIndex - 1
Child 2.2.2 index - 1 parentIndex - 1
Child 2.2.3 index - 2 parentIndex - 1


content: any[] = [
name: "Parent 1",
childreen: [        
name: "Child 1.1",
childreen: ["Child 1.1.1", "Child 1.1.2", "Child 1.1.3"]
}, {
name: "Child 1.2",
childreen: ["Child 1.2.1", "Child 1.2.2", "Child 1.2.3"]
}, {
name: "Parent 2",
childreen: [
name: "Child 2.1",
childreen: ["Child 2.1.1", "Child 2.1.2", "Child 2.1.3"]
}, {
name: "Child 2.2",
childreen: ["Child 2.2.1", "Child 2.2.2", "Child 2.2.3"]


<div *ngFor="let parent of content; index as i">
<span>{{parent.name}} index - {{i}}</span>
<div *ngFor="let child of parent.childreen; index as j">
<span>{{child.name}} index - {{j}} parentIndex - {{i}}</span>
<div *ngFor="let child of child.childreen; index as k">
<span>{{child}} index - {{k}} parentIndex - {{i}} </span>


