

public int shortestPath (int[][] matrix, int sr, int sc, int dr, int dc)
int p = matrix.length * matrix[0].length;
int[] distances = new int[p];
boolean[] visited = new boolean[p]; //I think all are set to false by default
for (int i = 0; i < p; i++)
distances[i] = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
PriorityQueue<Node> pq = new Priority<>(); // a Node holds the int row, int col and the distance from source cell. It also orders by distances, so therefore a comparable was created to change natural order.
pq.add(new Node(sr,sc,0);
distances[(sr * matrix[0].length) + sc] = 0;
visited[(sr * matrix[0].length) + sc] = true;
Node n = pq.poll();
int row = n.getRow();
int col = n.getColumn();
int dist = n.getDistance();
//Now here with a normal graph I would search neighbours via a for loop and find in the adj list where an element = 1 and is not visited. This is where I am stuck




  1. 假设{x,y}表示2个相邻小区之间的差异
  2. 你知道邻居将在{0,-1},{0,1},{1,0}或{-1,0}中(假设没有对角线移动(,或者这些单元格将越界
  3. 保存这些差异的数组:
int differenceX[] = {0,0,1,-1};
int differenceY[] = {-1,1,0,0};
  1. 现在您可以为邻居使用for循环:
for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
int neighRow = row + differenceY[i];
int neighCol = col + differenceX[i];
if(min(neighRow, neighCol) >= 0 && neighRow < matrix.length && neighCol < matrix[0].length){
//process node
