

public int userPickForWeapon(int userPick)
{ //this takes what number the user pick for a weapon and returns it
return userPick;
private void btnPlayerOneAttack_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int userPickTwo = 0;
if (int.TryParse(txtPlayerWeapons.Text, out userPick))
userPickTwo = userPickForWeapon(userPick);

if (userPickTwo == 1)
bowAndArrow = rand.Next(8, 16); //picks a random number of damage
computerHP -= bowAndArrow; // takes away the players hp
lblComputerHP.Text = "HP: " + computerHP; // Shows the player their hp
lblComputerResultsShow.Text = "You used Bow and Arrow n and did " + bowAndArrow + " damage";
txtPlayerWeapons.Text = ""; //clears the text box
else if (userPickTwo == 2)
sword = rand.Next(1, 10); //picks a random number of damage
computerHP -= sword; // takes away the players hp
lblComputerHP.Text = "HP: " + computerHP; // Shows the player their hp
lblComputerResultsShow.Text = "You used Sword n and did " + sword + " damage";
txtPlayerWeapons.Text = ""; //clears the text box
else if (userPickTwo == 3)
fire = rand.Next(7, 15); //picks a random number of damage
computerHP -= fire; // takes away the players hp
lblComputerHP.Text = "HP: " + computerHP; // Shows the player their hp
lblComputerResultsShow.Text = "You used Fire n and did " + fire + " damage";
txtPlayerWeapons.Text = ""; //clears the text box
else if (userPickTwo == 4)
ice = rand.Next(8, 15); //picks a random number of damage
computerHP -= ice; // takes away the players hp
lblComputerHP.Text = "HP: " + computerHP; // Shows the player their hp
lblComputerResultsShow.Text = "You used Ice n and did " + ice + " damage";
txtPlayerWeapons.Text = ""; //clears the text box
else if (userPickTwo == 5)
wind = rand.Next(9, 15); //picks a random number of damage
computerHP -= wind; // takes away the players hp
lblComputerHP.Text = "HP: " + computerHP; // Shows the player their hp
lblComputerResultsShow.Text = "You used Wind n and did " + wind + " damage";
txtPlayerWeapons.Text = ""; //clears the text box
else if (userPickTwo == 6)
water = rand.Next(1, 6); //picks a random number of damage
computerHP -= water; // takes away the players hp
lblComputerHP.Text = "HP: " + computerHP; // Shows the player their hp
lblComputerResultsShow.Text = "You used water n and did " + water + " damage";
txtPlayerWeapons.Text = ""; //clears the text box
// Display an error message for if the user puts in something other than a number between 1 -6
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a number between 1 - 6");

// Display an error message for if the user puts in something other than a number
//inside the while loop
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a number between 1 - 6");
}while(playerOneHP >= 0 || computerHP >= 0);


  1. 输入while循环
  2. 选择现役战斗人员
  3. 如果现役战斗人员是玩家,则提示用户选择武器
  4. 计算所选武器的伤害
  5. 对对方球员造成伤害
  6. 如果任一玩家的生命值达到0,则退出while循环


  1. 确定活动玩家
  2. 提示用户使用主动武器
  3. 进入while循环
  4. 计算所选武器的伤害
  5. 对对方玩家造成伤害
  6. 如果任一玩家达到HP 0,则退出while循环







从按钮单击事件处理程序中删除while循环,并让操作系统在用户单击按钮时通知您。将逻辑保持在循环中,只需移除do {并关闭}即可。
