









Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Imports System.Threading

Public Class Form1
Private MonitorThread As Thread
Private WorkerThread As Thread
Private QueueThread As Thread
Private W As Worker
Private Delegate Sub UpdateUIDelegate()
Private Delegate Sub WorkerDoneDelegate()
Private Sub Monitor()
Do While WorkerThread.ThreadState <> ThreadState.Stopped    'Loop until the Worker thread (and thus the Worker object's Start() method) is done
UpdateUI()                                      'Update the progress bar with the current value
Thread.Sleep(250)                                       'Sleep the monitor thread otherwise we'll be wasting CPU cycles updating the progress bar a million times a second
WorkerDone()                                                'If we're here, the worker object is done, call a method to do some cleanup
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateUI()
If Me.InvokeRequired Then                                                           'See if we need to cross threads
Me.Invoke(New UpdateUIDelegate(AddressOf UpdateUI), New Object() {})    'If so, have the UI thread call this method for us
'Me.ProgressBar1.Value = curIndex                                                'Otherwise just update the progress bar
'Me.ProgressBar1.Value = W.CurRun                                                'Otherwise just update the progress bar
Me.ProgressBar1.Maximum = W.Qtotal
Me.ProgressBar1.Value = W.Qtotal - W.Remaining                                                'Otherwise just update the progress bar

Me.Lbl_CurrentRun.Text = (W.Qtotal - W.Remaining).ToString
Me.Lbl_Total.Text = "Total = " + W.Qtotal.ToString
Me.Lbl_Remaining.Text = "Remaining = " + W.Remaining.ToString
Me.Lbl_Date.Text = "Date = " + W.MSGdate.ToLongTimeString
Me.Lbl_Path.Text = "Message = " + W.MSGpath
End If
End Sub

Private Sub WorkerDone()
If Me.InvokeRequired Then                                                           'See if we need to cross threads
Me.Invoke(New WorkerDoneDelegate(AddressOf WorkerDone))                         'If so, have the UI thread call this method for us
Me.Button1.Enabled = True                                                       'Otherwise just update the button
Me.ProgressBar1.Value = W.Qtotal - W.Remaining                                  ' Update these to ensure they show the final data
Me.Lbl_CurrentRun.Text = (W.Qtotal - W.Remaining).ToString
Me.Lbl_Remaining.Text = "Remaining = " + W.Remaining.ToString
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Me.Button1.Enabled = False                      'Disable the button
W = New Worker()                                'Create our Worker object
QueueThread = New Thread(AddressOf W.PopulateQueue) 'Create a queue thread and tel it where to start when we call the start method
WorkerThread = New Thread(AddressOf W.Start)    'Create our Worker thread and tell it that when we start it it should call our Worker's Start() method
MonitorThread = New Thread(AddressOf Monitor)   'Create our Monitor thread and tell it that when we start it it should call this class's Monitor() method
QueueThread.Start()                             'Start the queue thread which adds items to the queue
'Wait a while to allow some items to be added to the queue
WorkerThread.Start()                            'Start the worker thread
MonitorThread.Start()                           'Start the monitor thread which updates the progress bar
End Sub
End Class
Public Class Worker
Private iQtotal As Integer = 0            ' The total items processed
Private iRemaining As Integer           ' Remaining items in the queue
Dim SortedList As New List(Of sMSG)()
Public ReadOnly Property Qtotal() As Integer
Return Me.iQtotal
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property Remaining() As Integer
Return SortedList.Count
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property MSGdate() As Date
Return SortedList.FirstOrDefault.mDate
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property MSGpath() As String
Return SortedList.FirstOrDefault.sFullpath
End Get
End Property

Public Sub PopulateQueue()
Dim tempMSG As New sMSG         'We will assemble the message in here before adding to the queue
tempMSG.sFullpath = "Path"
tempMSG.sLocation = "Location"
tempMSG.sLocationGUID = "GUID"
tempMSG.sLocationServerID = "666"
' This loop adds test data to the queue. It will be replaced with file system crawler
For i = 1 To 50
tempMSG.mDate = Date.Now
tempMSG.sFullpath = "Path " + i.ToString
iQtotal = iQtotal + 1
Next i
End Sub
Public Sub SortList()
SortedList = (From obj In SortedList Select obj Order By obj.mDate Descending).ToList()
End Sub
Public Sub New()
End Sub
Public Sub Start()
Dim nextMSG As sMSG
While SortedList.Count > 0
nextMSG = SortedList.FirstOrDefault             'Get the first item off the list
'' Do the upload of it...
SortedList.Remove(nextMSG)    'Remove it from the queue
End While
End Sub
End Class

Public Class sMSG
Public sFullpath As String
Public sLocation As String
Public sLocationGUID As String
Public sLocationServerID As String
Public mDate As Date
End Class






Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Collections.Concurrent
Public Class Form1
Private MonitorThread As Thread
Private WorkerThread1 As Thread
Private WorkerThread2 As Thread
Private WorkerThread3 As Thread
Private QueueThread As Thread
Private Delegate Sub UpdateUIDelegate()
Private Delegate Sub BatchIsDOneDelegate()
Private tStart As Date
Private cq As New ConcurrentQueue(Of sMSG)
Public iQTotal As Integer

Private Sub Monitor()
Do While cq.Count > 0    'Loop until the queue is empty
UpdateUI()                                      'Update the progress bar with the current value
Thread.Sleep(250)                                       'Sleep the monitor thread otherwise we'll be wasting CPU cycles updating the progress bar a million times a second
BatchIsDOne()                                                'If we're here, the batch is done, call a method to do some cleanup
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateUI()
If Me.InvokeRequired Then                                                           'See if we need to cross threads
Me.Invoke(New UpdateUIDelegate(AddressOf UpdateUI), New Object() {})    'If so, have the UI thread call this method for us
Me.ProgressBar1.Maximum = iQTotal
Me.ProgressBar1.Value = iQTotal - cq.Count                                                'Otherwise just update the progress bar
Me.Lbl_CurrentRun.Text = (iQTotal - cq.Count).ToString
Me.Lbl_Total.Text = "Total = " + iQTotal.ToString
Me.Lbl_Remaining.Text = "Remaining = " + cq.Count.ToString
Me.Lbl_Elapsed.Text = "Elapsed = " + (Date.Now - tStart).ToString
End If
End Sub

Private Sub BatchIsDOne()
If Me.InvokeRequired Then                                                           'See if we need to cross threads
Me.Invoke(New BatchIsDOneDelegate(AddressOf BatchIsDOne))                         'If so, have the UI thread call this method for us
Me.Button1.Enabled = True                                                       'Otherwise just update the button
Me.ProgressBar1.Value = iQTotal - cq.Count                                  ' Update these to ensure they show the final data
Me.Lbl_CurrentRun.Text = (iQTotal - cq.Count).ToString
Me.Lbl_Remaining.Text = "Remaining = " + cq.Count.ToString
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Me.Button1.Enabled = False                      'Disable the button
tStart = Date.Now                               'Note the start time

QueueThread = New Thread(AddressOf PopulateQueue) 'Create a queue thread and tel it where to start when we call the start method
WorkerThread1 = New Thread(AddressOf ProcessNextMSG)    'Create 1st Worker thread and tell it that when we start it it should call our Worker's Start() method
WorkerThread2 = New Thread(AddressOf ProcessNextMSG)    'Create 2nd Worker thread and tell it that when we start it it should call our Worker's Start() method
WorkerThread3 = New Thread(AddressOf ProcessNextMSG)    'Create 2nd Worker thread and tell it that when we start it it should call our Worker's Start() method
MonitorThread = New Thread(AddressOf Monitor)   'Create our Monitor thread and tell it that when we start it it should call this class's Monitor() method
QueueThread.Start()                             'Start the queue thread which adds items to the queue
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500)               'Wait a while to allow some items to be added to the queue just for test purposes
WorkerThread1.Start()                            'Start the worker thread
WorkerThread2.Start()                            'Start the worker thread
WorkerThread3.Start()                            'Start the worker thread
MonitorThread.Start()                           'Start the monitor thread which updates the progress bar
End Sub
Public Sub PopulateQueue()
Dim tempMSG As New sMSG         'We will assemble the message in here before adding to the queue
tempMSG.sFullpath = "Path"
tempMSG.sLocation = "Location"
tempMSG.sLocationGUID = "GUID"
tempMSG.sLocationServerID = "666"

' This loop adds test data to the queue. It will be replaced with a file system crawler
For i = 1 To 50
tempMSG.mDate = Date.Now
tempMSG.sFullpath = "Path " + i.ToString
cq.Enqueue(tempMSG)                 ' Add the MSG to the queue
iQTotal = iQTotal + 1
Next i
End Sub
Public Sub ProcessNextMSG()
Dim nextMSG As New sMSG
' While the queue is not empty, take a message from the top and process it
While cq.IsEmpty = False
If cq.TryDequeue(nextMSG) = False Then
' It failed to get next message from queue
'' Do the uploading of it...
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(350)              'Just to mimmick the uploading for now
End If
End While
End Sub
End Class
Public Class sMSG
Public sFullpath As String
Public sLocation As String
Public sLocationGUID As String
Public sLocationServerID As String
Public mDate As Date
End Class

