

Tittle         Page        Author    Rating
0   Monday, Mar. 1  NaN         NaN      NaN
1   Tittle 1        5.0         JHK      1.50
2   Tittle 2        13.0        ABB      0.03
3   Tittle 3        100.0       ACC      3.5
4   Tittle 4        9.0          NN      5.40
5   Tuesday, Jan. 2 NaN         NaN       NaN
6   Tittle 5        6.0         BBB      6.50
7   Tittle 7        14.0        CCC      10.00
8   Tittle 8        10.0        CNN      2.50
9   Wednesday, Dec.3 NaN        NaN      NaN
10  Tittle 10       5.0         CBS      1.00
11  Title 20        5.0         ABC      1.00
12  Title 21        25.0        JJJ      3.50
13  Title 22        1.0         NNN      7.50
14  Thursday, Mar.4 NaN         NaN      NaN
15  Title 25        100.0       VVV      9.00
16  Title 30        6.0         YYYY     9.00
17  Title 35        2.0         QQQ      9.00


dfs = pd.read_csv('Book2.csv')
df = dfs.dropna()
Tittle  Page    Author  Rating
1   Tittle 1    5.0     JHK     1.50
2   Tittle 2    13.0    ABB     0.03
4   Tittle 4    9.0     tvN     5.40
6   Tittle 5    6.0     BBB     6.50
7   Tittle 7    14.0    CCC     10.00
8   Tittle 8    10.0    CNN     2.50
10  Tittle 10   5.0     CBS     1.00
11  Title 20    5.0     ABC     1.00
12  Title 21    25.0    JJJ     3.50
13  Title 22    1.0     NNN     7.50
15  Title 25    100.0   VVV     9.00
16  Title 30    6.0     YYYY    9.00
17  Title 35    2.0     QQQ     9.00


dfs = pd.read_csv('Book2.csv')
df = dfs[dfs.isnull().any(axis=1)]
Tittle  Page    Author  Rating
0   Monday, Mar. 1  NaN NaN NaN
5   Tuesday, Jan. 2 NaN NaN NaN
9   Wednesday, Dec. 3   NaN NaN NaN
14  Thursday, Mar. 4    NaN NaN NaN


Tittle  Page    Author  Rating  Date
0   Tittle 1    5   JHK 1.50    Monday, Mar. 1
1   Tittle 2    13  ABB 0.03    Monday, Mar. 1
2   Tittle 3    100 ACC 4.50    Monday, Mar. 1
3   Tittle 4    9   tvN 5.40    Monday, Mar. 1
4   Tittle 5    6   BBB 6.50    Tuesday, Jan. 2
5   Tittle 7    14  CCC 10.00   Tuesday, Jan. 2
6   Tittle 8    10  CNN 2.50    Tuesday, Jan. 2
7   Tittle 10   5   CBS 1.00    Wednesday, Dec. 3
8   Title 20    5   ABC 1.00    Wednesday, Dec. 3
9   Title 21    25  JJJ 3.50    Wednesday, Dec. 3
10  Title 22    1   NNN 7.50    Wednesday, Dec. 3
11  Title 25    100 VVV 9.00    Thursday, Mar. 4
12  Title 30    6   YYYY    9.00    Thursday, Mar. 4
13  Title 35    2   QQQ 9.00    Thursday, Mar. 4

So I could sort or groupby the data by date later on if i want to see if there is a trend on the students reading habits in the future but for now I just want to add another date column and use the date that is all ready there in the data set if possible. I have to comb through a total of 181 pages of this and I am hoping pandas could help cut down the hours I will have to spend editing this manually in excel and using the copy and paste.
if you have any other recommendation in how to efficiently wrangle this data-set where the title will not mix in the same column and the NAN will be taken cared off. It will be greatly appreciated. 

[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/JBihm.png
[2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/nlJbE.png


df1 = df.loc[df.isnull().sum(axis=1) == 3].reindex(index=df.index)
df1.fillna(method='ffill', inplace=True)
df1 = pd.concat([df1[['Tittle']], df.loc[df.isnull().sum(axis=1) == 0]], axis=1, join='inner')
df1.columns =['Date', 'Tittle', 'Page', 'Author', 'Rating']
Date    Tittle  Page    Author  Rating
1   Monday, Mar. 1  Tittle 1    5.0     JHK     1.50
2   Monday, Mar. 1  Tittle 2    13.0    ABB     0.03
3   Monday, Mar. 1  Tittle 3    100.0   ACC     3.50
4   Monday, Mar. 1  Tittle 4    9.0     NN  5.40
6   Tuesday, Jan. 2     Tittle 5    6.0     BBB     6.50
7   Tuesday, Jan. 2     Tittle 7    14.0    CCC     10.00
8   Tuesday, Jan. 2     Tittle 8    10.0    CNN     2.50
10  Wednesday, Dec. 3   Tittle 10   5.0     CBS     1.00
11  Wednesday, Dec. 3   Title 20    5.0     ABC     1.00
12  Wednesday, Dec. 3   Title 21    25.0    JJJ     3.50
13  Wednesday, Dec. 3   Title 22    1.0     NNN     7.50
15  Thursday, Mar. 4    Title 25    100.0   VVV     9.00
16  Thursday, Mar. 4    Title 30    6.0     YYYY    9.00
17  Thursday, Mar. 4    Title 35    2.0     QQQ     9.00

