


import numpy as np
from keras.models import Model
from keras.layers import Input, Dense, LSTM
"""ignore following 3 imports as they just illustrate in case someone wants to know
why I need to train in loops 
# from stable_baselines.common.vec_env import SubprocVecEnv
# from stable_baselines.common import set_global_seeds, make_vec_env
# from mycustomfile import SomeImportedEnv, myRL_Agent

# representative data source coming in batches after regular 
# intervals of time for training model 1
def new_data_source_1():
# generate test and train data for model 1
X_train_model1 = np.random.rand(100,1,3)
y_train_model1 = np.random.rand(100,1,2)
X_test_model1 = np.random.rand(100,1,3)
y_test_model1 = np.random.rand(100,1,2)
return [X_train_model1, y_train_model1, X_test_model1,y_test_model1]

# representative data source coming in batches after regular 
# intervals of time for training model 2
def new_data_source_2():
# generate test and train data for model 2
X_train_model2 = np.random.rand(60,1,5)
y_train_model2 = np.random.rand(60,1,2)
X_test_model2 = np.random.rand(60,1,5)
y_test_model2 = np.random.rand(60,1,2)
return [X_train_model2, y_train_model2, X_test_model2, y_test_model2]

def create_keras_model(input_dim, outputdim, input_seq_length, output_seq_length):
assert input_seq_length==output_seq_length, "This model can take input
and output sequence of equal length only"
input_layer = Input(batch_shape=(None, input_seq_length, input_dim))
hidden_layer = LSTM(16, return_sequences = True)(input_layer)
output_layer = Dense(outputdim, activation='relu')(hidden_layer)
model = Model(inputs=input_layer, outputs=output_layer)
model.compile(loss='mse', optimizer='adam')
return model

"""What I am doing currently to train inside a loop, 2 Keras models, sequentially.
I want to make the model trainings parallel to save time."""
def main():
model1_created = False
model2_created = False
"""consider I have to train 10 incoming batches of data from source 1 and 2
and I have to keep updating my 2 models regularly for subsequent use in a OpenAI Gym 
for i in range(10):
# get data from source 1
X_train_model1, y_train_model1, X_test_model1,y_test_model1 = new_data_source_1()
# create model for source 1
if not model1_created:
model1 = create_keras_model(X_train_model1.shape[-1], y_train_model1.shape[-1][-1],
X_train_model1.shape[-2], y_train_model1.shape[-1][-2])
model1_created = True
# train the model1
_ = model1.fit(X_train_model1, y_train_model1, epochs=100,  initial_epoch=0, 
batch_size=32, validation_data=(X_test_model1, y_test_model1))
# save model1 weights for future use; reason: model1 is needed for 
# subsequent use in another multiprocessing environment(see StableBaselines 
# SubprocVecEnv) inside this main function but using the model1 directly 
# leads to error

# get data from source 2
X_train_model2, y_train_model2, X_test_model2,y_test_model2 = new_data_source_2()
# create model for source 2
if not model2_created:
model2 = create_keras_model(X_train_model2.shape[-1], y_train_model2.shape[-1][-1],
X_train_model2.shape[-2], y_train_model2.shape[-1][-2])
model2_created = True
# train the model2
_ = model2.fit(X_train_model1, y_train_model1, epochs=100, initial_epoch=0, 
batch_size=32, validation_data=(X_test_model2, y_test_model2))
# save model2 weights for future use; reason: model2 is needed for 
# subsequent use in another multiprocessing environment(see StableBaselines 
# SubprocVecEnv) inside this main function but using the model2 directly 
# leads to error
"""The following section is an informal representation of why I need
the models 1 and 2; it is not related to solving my question. You can simply ignore 
this from the main function in case you want to.
I have seen people sometimes ask the rationale behind doing training in loops. This 
entire main() function (with more augmentations above and below) will be running in 
actual deployment without terminating.
# mycustomGymenv = SomeImportedEnv(model1path = 'Latest_Model_1.hdf5',
#                                  model1path = 'Latest_Model_2.hdf5')
# state = initial_state = mycustomGymenv.initial_state()
# agent = myRL_Agent(mycustomGymenv)
# for _ in range(100): # simulate for 100 time steps 
# action = agent(state) # agent takes action
# state, reward, over, etc = mycustomGymenv.simulate()  # env returns feedback
# state, action - save to csv file etc,
if __name__ == '__main__':



for _ in range(10):
#somehow cut the data into slices and fit them one by one
model.fit(data_slice, label_slice ......)



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