



// echo statements are just for testing.
foreach(glob(IMAGEPATH."*.{jpg,png,gif,JPG,PNG,GIF}", GLOB_BRACE) as $var03){
$img_src03 = basename($var03);
$img_label03 = pathinfo($var03, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
// Assign specific values to the arrays as you cycle through $img_src03 values:
if (substr($img_src03, 0, 5) == 'ext_f'){
if (!isset($array33)) {
$array33 = array();
$array33[] = $img_src03;
echo $img_src03 . ' : Image label = ' . img_label($img_label03) . '<br>';
} elseif (substr($img_src03, 0, 5) == 'ext_r'){
if (!isset($array33)) {
$array33 = array();
$array33[] = $img_src03;
echo $img_src03 . ' : Image label = ' . img_label($img_label03) . '<br>';
} elseif (substr($img_src03, 0, 6) == 'ext_po'){
if (!isset($array34)) {
$array34 = array();
$array34[] = $img_src03;
echo $img_src03 . ' : Image label = ' . img_label($img_label03) . '<br>';
} elseif (substr($img_src03, 0, 3) == 'bed'){
if (!isset($array35)) {
$array35 = array();
$array35[] = $img_src03;
echo $img_src03 . ' : Image label = ' . img_label($img_label03) . '<br>';
} elseif (substr($img_src03, 0, 3) == 'bth'){
if (!isset($array36)) {
$array36 = array();
$array36[] = $img_src03;
echo $img_src03 . ' : Image label = ' . img_label($img_label03) . '<br>';
$arrayFinal = array_merge($array33, $array34, $array35, $array36);
echo 'This is $arrayFinal:<br><pre>'; print_r($arrayFinal);     echo '</pre><br>';


foreach(glob(IMAGEPATH."*.{jpg,png,gif,JPG,PNG,GIF}", GLOB_BRACE) as $var03){
$img_src03 = basename($var03);
$img_label03 = pathinfo($var03, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
// Trying to use a function call to run the if conditional. Function is outside the foreach loop. Nothing returned.
findImage03($img_src03, $img_label03);
function findImage03($img_src03, $img_label03){
// Assign specific values to the arrays as you cycle through $img_src03 values:
if (substr($img_src03, 0, 5) == 'ext_f'){
if (!isset($array33)) {
$array33 = array();
$array33[] = $img_src03;
echo $img_src03 . ' : Image label = ' . img_label($img_label03) . '<br>';
} elseif (substr($img_src03, 0, 5) == 'ext_r'){
if (!isset($array33)) {
$array33 = array();
$array33[] = $img_src03;
echo $img_src03 . ' : Image label = ' . img_label($img_label03) . '<br>';
} elseif (substr($img_src03, 0, 6) == 'ext_po'){
if (!isset($array34)) {
$array34 = array();
$array34[] = $img_src03;
echo $img_src03 . ' : Image label = ' . img_label($img_label03) . '<br>';
} elseif (substr($img_src03, 0, 3) == 'bed'){
if (!isset($array35)) {
$array35 = array();
$array35[] = $img_src03;
echo $img_src03 . ' : Image label = ' . img_label($img_label03) . '<br>';
} elseif (substr($img_src03, 0, 3) == 'bth'){
if (!isset($array36)) {
$array36 = array();
$array36[] = $img_src03;
echo $img_src03 . ' : Image label = ' . img_label($img_label03) . '<br>';
$arrayFinal = array_merge($array33, $array34, $array35, $array36);
echo 'This is $arrayFinal:<br><pre>'; print_r($arrayFinal);     echo '</pre><br>';


  1. 我发现了一个在函数((中运行foreach((的解决方案,而不是在foreach(然后使用函数调用的结果创建新数组
  2. array_merge((只有在所有要合并的数组都包含值时才有效,否则会失败。不确定是否可以用解决!isset


// Define the function to get all the images in the current folder:
function getImages(){
foreach(glob(IMAGEPATH."*.{jpg,png,gif,JPG,PNG,GIF}", GLOB_BRACE) as $var){
$img_src = basename($var);

// Assign specific values to the array as you cycle through the collection. Order here will not affect final array order.
if (substr($img_src, 0, 5) == 'bed_1'){
if (!isset($arrayBed_1)) {
$arrayBed_1 = array();
$arrayBed_1[] = $img_src;
} elseif (substr($img_src, 0, 5) == 'bed_2'){
if (!isset($arrayBed_2)) {
$arrayBed_2 = array();
$arrayBed_2[] = $img_src;
} elseif (substr($img_src, 0, 5) == 'bed_3'){
if (!isset($arrayBed_3)) {
$arrayBed_3 = array();
$arrayBed_3[] = $img_src;
// continue for each type required.
}           }
} //End of foreach().

// Create the pre final array for other arrays to push to which defines the sort order:
$arrayPreFinal = array();

if (isset($arrayExt_f)){                        // ext_f = exterior front
foreach ($arrayExt_f as $val){
array_push($arrayPreFinal, $val);
if (isset($arrayExt_r)){                        // ext_r = exterior rear
foreach ($arrayExt_r as $val){
array_push($arrayPreFinal, $val);
if (isset($arrayBed_1)){                        // bed_1 = bedroom 1
foreach ($arrayBed_1 as $val){
array_push($arrayPreFinal, $val);
if (isset($arrayBed_2)){                        // bed_2 = bedroom 2
foreach ($arrayBed_2 as $val){
array_push($arrayPreFinal, $val);
// continue for as many variances as require.

return $arrayPreFinal;
} // End of function()


// Set $iwd Image Working Directory:
// Required before gallery_ctrl_body.php inlcude as $iwd is needed before include.
// class IWD changes outside the class.
class IWD {
// Properties
public $iwd;
$var = new IWD();
$var->name = getcwd();
$iwd = $var->name;
// Script include needs to be run before function pid_text().
include_once ('../gallery_ctrl_body.php');
# Function to identify the property sub-division from directory path characters using preg_match()
# and define a Property ID Text:
function pid_text($sub_div) {       //Need parameter/s in function():
$sub_div_abb = sub_div_abb($sub_div); //20200220 code
$psc = 'ORL'; // Start of Property System Code.
$str = getcwd();
if(preg_match("/{$sub_div}/i", $str)) {
$psc = $psc . $sub_div_abb . strtoupper(basename(__DIR__)); //sub_div_abb may already defined in UPPERCASE.
$pid_textname = constant("PROPERTY_TEXT") . $psc; //strtoupper($psc);
return $pid_textname;                   //Return value AFTER IF statement. REQUIRED!
$pid_text = pid_text($sub_div = 'test_200828');

// Define the imagepath and variables:
define('IMAGEPATH', dirname(__FILE__).'/'); // '/' is required.
$img_height = 'height: 400px'; // default image height for gallery.
$img_width = 'width: 600px'; // default image width for gallery.
$img_counter = 0;
$img_style = 'style="' .  $img_width . '"'; // only needs to be set once here.
$img_total = 0;
// Create the final array with function call to get images:
$arrayFinal = getImages();
// Calculate total number of images before displaying <div>
// If calculated inside a foreach() $img_counter always equals $img_total.
$img_total = count($arrayFinal);
echo '<div class="property_text-container">';
echo 'Gallery for ' . $pid_text;
echo '</div>';
//<!-- Slideshow container -->
echo '<div class="slideshow-container">';
// foreach ($array1 as $value){
foreach ($arrayFinal as $value){
$img_counter ++; // Set before function() when using function call.
// Call the function located in gallery_ctrl_body:
createGallery($img_width, $img_style, $filename, $img_name, $img_src, $img_counter, $img_total, $value, $pid_text);
// <!-- Next and previous buttons -->
echo '<a class="prev" onclick="plusSlides(-1)">&#10094;</a>';
echo '<a class="next" onclick="plusSlides(1)">&#10095;</a> ';
echo '</div>';
// <!-- END: div class="slideshow-container"-->
echo '<br>';
// <!-- Dot container -->
echo '<div class="dot-container">';
// <!-- The dots/circles -->
echo '<div style="text-align:center">';
$slide_counter = 0;
while ($slide_counter < $img_total) {
$slide_counter ++;
echo '<span class="dot" onclick="currentSlide(' . $slide_counter . ')"></span>&nbsp;';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
// Script include needs to be run at end of page including it.
include_once ('../gallery_ctrl_script.php');

