



#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
struct Entry {
string eb, ed, ee, ef, eh, ei, ej, el, ek, em, en, er, es, et, eu, ev, ew, ex, ey, ez, ea, eg, ec, eo, ep, eq;

friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Entry e);
friend istream& operator>>(istream& is, Entry& e);

Entry parse_Line(ifstream &source);
bool read_File(const char*);
void write_File(vector <Entry>& data);
//overloading operator << and >> to be able to print out the information needed.
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Entry e)
os << "d: " << e.ed << " e: " << e.ee << " f: " << e.ef << " h: " << e.ei << " m: " << e.em << "n";
return os;
istream& operator>>(istream& is, Entry& e){
getline(e.ea, ',');
getline(is >> ws, e.eb, ',');
getline(is >> ws, e.ec, ',');
getline(is >> ws, e.ed, ',');
getline(is >> ws, e.ee, ',');
getline(is >> ws, e.ef, ',');
getline(is >> ws, e.eg, ',');
getline(is >> ws, e.eh, ',');
getline(is >> ws, e.ei, ',');
getline(is >> ws, e.ej, ',');
getline(is >> ws, e.ek, ',');
getline(is >> ws, e.el, ',');
getline(is >> ws, e.em, ',');
getline(is >> ws, e.en, ',');
getline(is >> ws, e.eo, ',');
getline(is >> ws, e.ep, ',');
getline(is >> ws, e.eq, ',');
getline(is >> ws, e.er, ',');
getline(is >> ws, e.es, ',');
getline(is >> ws, e.et, ',');
getline(is >> ws, e.eu, ',');
getline(is >> ws, e.ev, ',');
getline(is >> ws, e.ew, ',');
getline(is >> ws, e.ex, ',');
getline(is >> ws, e.ey, ',');

return(is >> e.ez);

Entry parse_Line(ifstream& source){
string eb, ed, ee, ef, eh, ei, ej, el, ek, em, en, er, es, et, eu, ev, ew, ex, ey, ez, ea, eg, ec, eo, ep, eq;
Entry tempEntry;

//scan a line from the file
source >> ea >> eb >> ec >> ed >> ef >> eg >> eh >> ei >> ej >> ek >> el >> em >> en >> eo >> ep >> eq >> er >> es >> et >> eu >> ev >> ew >> ex >> ey >> ez;

/*while(getline(str, word, ','))

//assign data to tempEntry
tempEntry.ea = ea;
tempEntry.eb = eb;
tempEntry.ec = ec;  
tempEntry.ed = ed;
tempEntry.ee = ee;
tempEntry.ef = ef;
tempEntry.eg = eg;
tempEntry.eh = eh;
tempEntry.ei = ei;
tempEntry.ej = ej;
tempEntry.ek = ek;
tempEntry.el = el;
tempEntry.em = em;
tempEntry.en = en;
tempEntry.eo = eo;
tempEntry.ep = ep;
tempEntry.eq = eq;
tempEntry.er = er;
tempEntry.es = es;
tempEntry.et = et;
tempEntry.eu = eu;
tempEntry.ev = ev;
tempEntry.ew = ew;
tempEntry.ex = ex;
tempEntry.ey = ey;
tempEntry.ez = ez;
return tempEntry;
bool read_File(const char* fileName, vector <Entry>& allData){
//take in file name and name of struct created to store data.
string line;

ifstream fileInput;
fileInput.open(fileName, ios::in);

if (fileInput.is_open()){
// take each line, put it into the parse_Line function, then put it into the allData vector.
for (Entry e; fileInput >> e; allData.push_back(move(e)));


return true;
} else {
return false;

void write_File(vector <Entry>& data){
//use vector passed in and print it to console for now. will change to printing a new csv file
for (int i=0; i<=data.size(); i++ ){
cout << data[i] << " ";

int main (int argc, char* argv[]) {
//check for file
if (argc < 2){
return(cout << "No file name specifiedn"),1;
//read in file name to a function using following:
string str(argv[1]);
vector <Entry> data;

if (!read_File(argv[1], data)){
return(cout << "That file name is invalidn"), 2;

const char* nameStr = str.c_str();
read_File(nameStr, data);

return 0;





  • std::getline(),这是一个需要isteam&作为第一参数的自由函数
  • std::istream::getline(),它是istream的成员函数,并且只能读入已知大小的字符数组


istream& operator>>(istream& is, Entry& e){
getline(e.ea, ',');


getline (is, e.ea, ',');   // or is>>ws




现在,如果您需要完全支持符合RFC 4180的csv,那就更复杂了:您必须支持可以包含换行符的引号,然后该换行符将被视为带引号字段的字符。这将需要更复杂的解析,逐个字符读取并管理引号状态,以正确解析字段,如果包含在引号中,则忽略逗号和换行符。

