

City        Weather
0      New York          Sunny
1      New York           Rain
2      New York         cloudy
3      New York           Rain
4      New York          Sunny
5      New York          Sunny
6      New York  partly cloudy
7      New York   thunderstorm
8      New York           Rain
9      New York         cloudy
10     New York          sunny
11     New York  partly cloudy
12     New York  partly cloudy
13     New York         cloudy
14     New York          sunny
15     New York          sunny
16     New York           rain
17       Austin           rain
18       Austin           rain
19       Austin         cloudy
20       Austin          sunny
21       Austin           rain
22       Austin  partly cloudy
23       Austin  partly cloudy
24       Austin  partly cloudy
25       Austin          Sunny
26       Austin         cloudy
27       Austin          Sunny
28       Austin          Sunny
29       Austin         cloudy
30       Austin         cloudy
31       Austin  partly cloudy
32       Austin  partly cloudy
33       Austin          Sunny
34       Austin           rain
35  Los Angeles          Sunny
36  Los Angeles          Sunny
37  Los Angeles          Sunny
38  Los Angeles          Sunny
39  Los Angeles          Sunny
40  Los Angeles          Sunny
41  Los Angeles          Sunny
42  Los Angeles          Sunny
43  Los Angeles          Sunny
44  Los Angeles          Sunny
45  Los Angeles          Sunny
46  Los Angeles          Sunny
47  Los Angeles          Sunny
48  Los Angeles          Sunny
49  Los Angeles          Sunny
50  Los Angeles          Sunny
51  Los Angeles          Sunny
52  Los Angeles          Sunny


def weather_valuecount(df):
weather_valcount= df.groupby(['City']).Weather.value_counts().groupby(level=0, group_keys=False).head(3)
return weather_valcount


City         Weather      
Austin       partly cloudy     5
Sunny             4
cloudy            4
Los Angeles  Sunny            18
New York     Rain              3
Sunny             3
cloudy            3
Name: Weather, dtype: int64


看看这篇文章,谁解释了你为什么会得到Truth value of a Series is ambiguous



listOfCites = set(df['City'])
def show_top3_weather(df):
df1 = df.groupby('City').head(3).reset_index(drop=True).assign()
df2 = df1.drop_duplicates().groupby('City', as_index=False).count().rename(columns={'Weather':'WeatherOccu'})
df3 = df1.merge(df2, on='City', how='left').drop_duplicates()
city_name = input("Choose a city: ")

if city_name in listOfCites:
if (df3.loc[df3.City == city_name]['WeatherOccu'] == 3).any():
print(f"Below, the top three weathers of {city_name}:")
print(df3[df3.City == city_name][['City', 'Weather']])
print(f"{city_name} has not three different weathers!")
print(f"{city_name} doesn't exist!")

>>> show_top3_weather(df)


Choose a city:  New York
Below, the top three weathers of New York:
City Weather
0  New York   Sunny
1  New York    Rain
2  New York  cloudy


Choose a city:  Austin
Austin has not three different weathers!


Choose a city:  Los Angeles
Los Angeles has not three different weathers!



def get_nlargest(df, n, keep):
"n, keep: see help('pandas.Series.nlargest')"
top_n = df.value_counts(normalize=True).nlargest(n, keep)
other = pd.Series({'other': 1 - top_n.sum()})
return pd.concat([top_n, other])

def weather_nlargest(df, n=3, keep='all'):
return (
.apply(get_nlargest, n, keep)

def print_percentage(df):

df['Weather'] = df['Weather'].str.lower()   # sunny == Sunny, rain == Rain


Austin       sunny            28%
partly cloudy    28%
cloudy           22%
rain             22%
other             0%
Los Angeles  sunny           100%
other             0%
New York     sunny            35%
rain             24%
cloudy           18%
partly cloudy    18%
other             6%


print_percentage(weather_nlargest(df, 3, 'first'))


Austin       sunny            28%
partly cloudy    28%
cloudy           22%
other            22%
Los Angeles  sunny           100%
other             0%
New York     sunny            35%
rain             24%
cloudy           18%
other            24%