PID:18319 java.lang.IollegalStateException:应为BEGIN_ARRAY,但在第

我尝试使用Jetpack Compose和Kotlin 在Android中使用Spoonacular API





"results": [
"vegetarian": true,
"vegan": true,
"glutenFree": true,
"dairyFree": true,
"veryHealthy": false,
"cheap": false,
"veryPopular": false,
"sustainable": false,
"lowFodmap": false,
"weightWatcherSmartPoints": 0,
"gaps": "GAPS_FULL",
"preparationMinutes": -1,
"cookingMinutes": -1,
"aggregateLikes": 1,
"healthScore": 51,
"creditsText": " – The Cooking Encyclopedia Everyone Can Edit",
"license": "CC BY 3.0",
"sourceName": "Foodista",
"pricePerServing": 81.7,
"extendedIngredients": [
"id": 11080,
"aisle": "Produce",
"image": "beets.jpg",
"consistency": "SOLID",
"name": "beet",
"nameClean": "red beet",
"original": "1 Beet, peeled",
"originalName": "Beet, peeled",
"amount": 1.0,
"unit": "",
"meta": [
"measures": {
"us": {
"amount": 1.0,
"unitShort": "",
"unitLong": ""
"metric": {
"amount": 1.0,
"unitShort": "",
"unitLong": ""
"id": 11124,
"aisle": "Produce",
"image": "sliced-carrot.png",
"consistency": "SOLID",
"name": "carrots",
"nameClean": "carrot",
"original": "1 pound Carrots, peeled",
"originalName": "Carrots, peeled",
"amount": 1.0,
"unit": "pound",
"meta": [
"measures": {
"us": {
"amount": 1.0,
"unitShort": "lb",
"unitLong": "pound"
"metric": {
"amount": 453.592,
"unitShort": "g",
"unitLong": "grams"
"id": 9200,
"aisle": "Produce",
"image": "orange.png",
"consistency": "SOLID",
"name": "oranges",
"nameClean": "orange",
"original": "2 pounds Oranges, peeled",
"originalName": "Oranges, peeled",
"amount": 2.0,
"unit": "pounds",
"meta": [
"measures": {
"us": {
"amount": 2.0,
"unitShort": "lb",
"unitLong": "pounds"
"metric": {
"amount": 907.185,
"unitShort": "g",
"unitLong": "grams"
"id": 1095729,
"title": "Immunity Booster Beet, Carrot & Orange Juice",
"readyInMinutes": 10,
"servings": 4,
"sourceUrl": "",
"image": "",
"imageType": "jpg",
"summary": "Need a <b>gluten free, dairy free, paleolithic, and lacto ovo vegetarian beverage</b>? Immunity Booster Beet, Carrot & Orange Juice could be an outstanding recipe to try. This recipe makes 4 servings with <b>162 calories</b>, <b>4g of protein</b>, and <b>1g of fat</b> each. For <b>82 cents per serving</b>, this recipe <b>covers 18%</b> of your daily requirements of vitamins and minerals. This recipe from Foodista has 1 fans. If you have beet, carrots, oranges, and a few other ingredients on hand, you can make it. From preparation to the plate, this recipe takes roughly <b>10 minutes</b>. Overall, this recipe earns an <b>amazing spoonacular score of 89%</b>. If you like this recipe, you might also like recipes such as <a href="">Goji-Orange-Turmeric Smoothie (“The Immunity Booster”)</a>, <a href="">Rejuvenating Root Juice | Carrot, Beet, Blood Orange, Ginger, Turmeric Juice</a>, and <a href="">Rejuvenating Root Juice | Carrot, Beet, Blood Orange, Ginger, Turmeric Juice</a>.",
"cuisines": [

"dishTypes": [
"diets": [
"gluten free",
"dairy free",
"lacto ovo vegetarian",
"whole 30",
"occasions": [

"analyzedInstructions": [
"name": "",
"steps": [
"number": 1,
"step": "Roughly chop the beet, carrots and oranges. When peeling and chopping the beet, use gloves and apron to avoid staining your hands and clothes.Throw them in a juicer and in about 2 minutes you will end up with this delicious healthy juice.",
"ingredients": [
"id": 11124,
"name": "carrot",
"localizedName": "carrot",
"image": "sliced-carrot.png"
"id": 9200,
"name": "orange",
"localizedName": "orange",
"image": "orange.png"
"id": 1019016,
"name": "juice",
"localizedName": "juice",
"image": "apple-juice.jpg"
"id": 11080,
"name": "beet",
"localizedName": "beet",
"image": "beets.jpg"
"equipment": [
"id": 404683,
"name": "juicer",
"localizedName": "juicer",
"image": "juicer.jpg"
"length": {
"number": 2,
"unit": "minutes"
"spoonacularSourceUrl": "",
"usedIngredientCount": 0,
"missedIngredientCount": 3,
"missedIngredients": [
"id": 11080,
"amount": 1.0,
"unit": "",
"unitLong": "",
"unitShort": "",
"aisle": "Produce",
"name": "beet",
"original": "1 Beet, peeled",
"originalName": "Beet, peeled",
"meta": [
"image": ""
"id": 11124,
"amount": 1.0,
"unit": "pound",
"unitLong": "pound",
"unitShort": "lb",
"aisle": "Produce",
"name": "carrots",
"original": "1 pound Carrots, peeled",
"originalName": "Carrots, peeled",
"meta": [
"image": ""
"id": 9200,
"amount": 2.0,
"unit": "pounds",
"unitLong": "pounds",
"unitShort": "lb",
"aisle": "Produce",
"name": "oranges",
"original": "2 pounds Oranges, peeled",
"originalName": "Oranges, peeled",
"meta": [
"image": ""
"likes": 0,
"usedIngredients": [

"unusedIngredients": [

"offset": 0,
"number": 1,
"totalResults": 40


data class ResultX(
val aggregateLikes: Int,
val cheap: Boolean,
val dairyFree: Boolean,
val extendedIngredients: List<ExtendedIngredient>,
val glutenFree: Boolean,
val id: Int,
val image: String,
val likes: Int,
val readyInMinutes: Int,
val servings: Int,
val sourceName: String,
val sourceUrl: String,
val summary: String,
val title: String,
val vegan: Boolean,
val vegetarian: Boolean,
val veryHealthy: Boolean
data class ExtendedIngredient(
val amount: Double,
val consistency: String,
val image: String,
val name: String,
val original: String,
val unit: String


suspend fun getRecipes(
@QueryMap queries: Map<String, String>
): List<ResultX>


sealed class Resource<T>(val data: T? = null, val message: String? = null){
class Success<T>(data: T): Resource<T>(data)
class Error<T>(message: String?, data: T? = null): Resource<T>(data, message)
class Loading<T>(data: T? = null): Resource<T>(data)
interface FoodApiRepository {
fun getRecipes(queries: Map<String, String>): Flow<Resource<List<ResultX>>>
class FoodApiRepositoryImpl @Inject constructor(
private val foodApi: FoodApi
): FoodApiRepository {
override fun getRecipes(queries: Map<String, String>): Flow<Resource<List<ResultX>>> {
return flow {
try {
val result = foodApi.getRecipes(queries = queries)
data = result
}catch (e: HttpException){
emit(Resource.Error(e.localizedMessage ?: "An expected error occurred"))
}catch (e: IOException){
emit(Resource.Error("Couldn't reach server. Check your internet connection"))


data class FoodListState(
val isLoading: Boolean = false,
val recipes: List<ResultX> = emptyList(),
val error: String = ""
class HomeViewModel @Inject constructor(
private val foodApiRepository: FoodApiRepository
): ViewModel(){
private val _state = mutableStateOf(FoodListState())
val state: State<FoodListState> = _state
init {
private fun getRecipes(queries: Map<String, String>) {
foodApiRepository.getRecipes(queries = queries).onEach { result ->
when(result) {
is Resource.Success -> {
_state.value = FoodListState(recipes = ?: emptyList())
is Resource.Error -> {
_state.value =
error = result.message ?: "An un expected error occurred"
Log.d("TAG", "getFoodRecipes: ERROR")
is Resource.Loading -> {
_state.value = FoodListState(isLoading = true)
private fun applyQueries(): HashMap<String, String> {
val queries: HashMap<String, String> = HashMap()
queries["number"] = "50"
queries["apiKey"] = API_KEY
queries["type"] = "snack"
queries["diet"] = "vegan"
queries["addRecipeInformation"] = "true"
queries["fillIngredients"] = "true"
Log.d("TAG", "applyQueries: $queries")
return queries


fun HomeScreen(
navController: NavController,
homeViewModel: HomeViewModel = hiltViewModel()
) {
val state = homeViewModel.state.value
Box(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()){
LazyColumn(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
items( { recipe ->
text = recipe.title,
style = MaterialTheme.typography.subtitle1,
overflow = TextOverflow.Ellipsis,
modifier = Modifier
if (state.error.isNotBlank()){
text = state.error,
color = MaterialTheme.colors.error,
textAlign = TextAlign.Center,
modifier = Modifier
.padding(horizontal = 20.dp)
if (state.isLoading){
CircularProgressIndicator(modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.Center))


您解析错误。您的"改装"函数表示它返回一个列表。返回的JSON不是这样的,而是返回一个JSON对象,而不是JSON数组。您需要另一个类ResultWrapper,该类中有一个名为result的ResultX列表,并让Reform API返回该列表。

