



import time #importinf random module
#from hangman_art import logo #importing logo which i have in my PC, you ignore.
print("Welcome to HANGMAN")
#print(logo) #printing the logo which imported
user = input("nWhat's Your Name : ") # take input for user name
print(f"nHello {user}! Best Of Luck") #just for code to feel good.
x = (input("nReady to play??? : ")) #input from user weather he/she wants to play or no.
if x == "yes" or x =="YES" or x =="Yes" or x == "y" or x == "Y": print("nGame Loading in 
print("nOk Sadly ending the game!! BYE BYE")
print("nGame Start!!")  
print("nRules as follows :-n1. Guess the right word letter by letter.n2. You only got 6 
lives.n3. Do not repeat the same alphabet entry it will reduce your life.n4. Enjoy the game.")
import random #importing random module for code to choose any random number.
word_list=["TIGER","ELEPHANT","LION","CAT","DOG","HORSE"] #you can add n numbers of words.
chosen_word = random.choice(word_list) #giving variable to chosen random word.
length = len(chosen_word) #variable to find length of chosen word.
display=[] #creating an empty list.
in_game = True #for while loop to run continously
lives = 6 #user get 6 lives.
duplicate=[] #creating an empty list to store duplicate values.
for _ in range (length):
display += "_"
#here looping for guess and game
while in_game:
guess = input("nCome On Guess a word letter by letter : ").upper()
#make a list called duplicate
#add guess letter to duplicate list
#check if the entered letter is already present in that list
#if present then show msg stating already used word
#else follow the normal process
if guess in display: 
print("nYou guessed",guess)
for position in range(length): #for getting length of number to be guessed
letter = chosen_word[position]
if letter == guess:
print("nYou guessed",guess,"which is right aplhabet!!")
display[position] = letter
print(" ".join(display)) #joiningdisplay
if guess in duplicate:
lives -= 1 #this condition for taking life if duplicate entry.
print(f"n{user} Do not repeat same alphabet entry. A LIFE LOST due to continues same 
alphabet entry.") #here condition gets true and then goes to another if statment there also it gets true and code takes 2 life.
if lives == 0:
in_game = False
print(f"n{user} You lost all your life, YOU LOSE.")
#here 2 conditions are getting true so code is taking 2 lives please help
if guess not in chosen_word:
print("nYou guessed", guess, "which is not the alphabet, life lost.")
lives -= 1
if lives == 0:
in_game = False
print(f"n Try next 
time {user}, You lost all your life, YOU LOSE.")  
if not "_" in display:
in_game = False
print(f"n Congrats {user} You WIN.")

from hangman_art import stages


while in_game:
guess = input("nCome On Guess a word letter by letter : ").upper()
if guess in duplicate:
lives -= 1
print(f"n{user} Do not repeat same alphabet entry. A LIFE LOST due to continues same alphabet entry.")
if lives == 0:
in_game = False
print(f"n{user} You lost all your life, YOU LOSE.")
# duplicate.append(guess)    #1. remove line from here
elif guess not in chosen_word:    #2. change if to elif
print("nYou guessed", guess, "which is not the alphabet, life lost.")
lives -= 1
if lives == 0:
in_game = False
print(f"n Try next time {user}, You lost all your life, YOU LOSE.")  
duplicate.append(guess)    #3. add this line here instead
if not "_" in display:
in_game = False
print(f"n Congrats {user} You WIN.")

这里有另一种方法,MAX_WRONG = 6意味着用户可以获得6条生命。

import random
WORDS = ['apple', 'banana', 'kiwi', 'orange', 'helicopter']
def game_play():
word = random.choice(WORDS).upper()
current_guess = '-' * len(word)    #hidden answer
wrong_guesses = 0
used_letters = []
while wrong_guesses < MAX_WRONG and current_guess != word:
print ('nRemaining tries:', MAX_WRONG - wrong_guesses)
print ('So far, the word is: ', current_guess)
print ('You have used the following letters: ', used_letters)
guess = input('Enter your letter guess:').upper()
if guess == word:
current_guess = word
break    #exit the while-loop

while guess in used_letters:    #check for duplicate input
print ('You have guessed "' + guess + '" already!')
guess = input ('Enter your letter guess: ').upper()

used_letters.append(guess)    #append guess to used_letters
if guess in word:
print ('You have guessed correctly!')
new_current_guess = ''
for idx in range(len(word)):    #update hidden answer
if guess == word[idx]:
new_current_guess += guess
new_current_guess += current_guess[idx]
current_guess = new_current_guess
print ('Sorry that was incorrect')
wrong_guesses += 1

if wrong_guesses == MAX_WRONG:
print ('nYou have been hanged!')
print ('The correct word is', word)
elif current_guess == word:
print ('nYou have won!! The word is:', word)


Remaining tries: 6
So far, the word is:  ----------
You have used the following letters:  []
Enter your letter guess: helicopter
You have won!! The word is: HELICOPTER
