
  • 本文关键字:二叉树 c++
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Node* preorderSuccessor(Node* root, Node* n)
// If left child exists, then it is preorder
// successor.
if (n->left)
return n->left;
// If a left child does not exist, then
// travel up (using parent pointers)
// until we reach a node that is left
// child of its parent.
Node* curr = n, * parent = curr->parent;
while (parent != NULL && parent->right == curr) {
curr = curr->parent;
parent = parent->parent;

// If we reached root, then the given
// node has no preorder successor
if (parent == NULL)
return NULL;
return parent->right;

我需要这样的函数Node*preorderSuccessor(Node*root,int n(在这个函数中,CCD_ 1和n是我们想要找到继任者的值。


Node* depthFirstSearch(Node* node, int value)
return nullptr;
if(node->value == value)
return node;
auto n = depthFirstSearch(node->left, value);
return n;
return depthFirstSearch(node->right, value)


Node* preorderSuccessor(Node* root, int value)
Node* node = depthFirstSearch(root, value);
return node ? preorderSuccessor(root, node) : nullptr;


struct Visitor
Node* n;       // the node to find
Node* successor; // the node that is visited after n
bool found;    // flag to indicate when n is found
bool visit(Node* n, Visitor* vis)
if (vis->found)
vis->successor = n;
return false;    // false tells the caller to stop searching further
if (vis->n == n)
vis->found = true;
return true;
bool depthFirstSearch(Node *n, Visitor* vis)
if (n == nullptr)
return true;
// pre-order traversal is:
//  Visit
//  Recurse Left
//  Recurse Right
bool keepGoing = visit(n, vis);
if (keepGoing)
keepGoing = depthFirstSearch(n-left, vis);
if (keepGoing)
keepGoing = depthFirstSearch(n->right, vis);
return keepGoing;
Node* preorderSuccessor(Node* root, Node* n)
Visitor vis = {n, nullptr, false};
depthFirstSearch(root, &vis);
return (vis->successor);
