
  • 本文关键字:三角形 之间 情况下 两个 python math
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def getTwoSidesOfASATriangle(a1, a2, s):
Get the length of two sides of a triangle, given two angles, and the length of the side in-between.
a1 (float) = Angle in degrees.
a2 (float) = Angle in degrees.
s (float) = The distance of the side between the two given angles.
from math import sin
a3 = 180 - a1 - a2
result = (
(s/sin(a3)) * sin(a1),
(s/sin(a3)) * sin(a2)
return result
d1, d2 = getTwoSidesOfASATriangle(76, 34, 9)
print (d1, d2)


def getTwoSidesOfASATriangle(a1, a2, s, unit='degrees'):
Get the length of two sides of a triangle, given two angles, and the length of the side in-between.
a1 (float) = Angle in radians or degrees. (unit flag must be set if value given in radians)
a2 (float) = Angle in radians or degrees. (unit flag must be set if value given in radians)
s (float) = The distance of the side between the two given angles.
unit (str) = Specify whether the angle values are given in degrees or radians. (valid: 'radians', 'degrees')(default: degrees)
from math import sin, radians
if unit is 'degrees':
a1, a2 = radians(a1), radians(a2)
a3 = 3.14159 - a1 - a2
result = (
(s/sin(a3)) * sin(a1),
(s/sin(a3)) * sin(a2)
return result
