



Feature: Login page
Feature Login page will work depending on the user credentials.
Given A user opens a website to log in
Scenario: Success Login as Agent
When A user enters the username "agent"
And A user enters the password "pass!"
And A user clicks on the login button
Then The user was logged in as an Agent
Scenario: Success Login as Customer
When A user enters the username "customer"
And A user enters the password "pss123!"
And A user clicks on the login button
Then The user was logged in as an Customer
Scenario: Success Login as Admin
When A user enters the username "admin"
And A user enters the password "admin1"
And A user clicks on the login button
Then The user was logged in as an Admin
Scenario: Log in to the wrong user
When A user enters the username "1qazxsw23edc"
And A user enters the password "1qazxsw23edc"
And A user clicks on the login button
Then Error when logging in to the wrong user


Feature: New user registration.
Feature is designed to test the operation of registration.
Given A user opens a website to register
Scenario: Correct registration of a new user
When User clicks on button to register
And A user enters the username "cypress_agent"
And A user enters the email "cypress_test@gmail.com"
And A user enters the first name "Cypress"
And A user enters the last name "Test"
And A user enters the password "zaq1@WSX"
And A user enters the password confirmation "zaq1@WSX"
And A user clicks on the submit button
Then TBA


Multiple matching step definitions for: A user enters the username "cypress_agent"
A user enters the username {string}
A user enters the username {string}

最简单的解决方案是更改名称。然而,我被告知,测试越深入,最终相同的名字就会重复。这个问题还有其他解决办法吗?例如,要使login.js文件使用ONLY login.feature和相同的功能进行注册。除非你推荐其他解决方案。提前感谢并致以最良好的问候。


A user enters the username {string}


A user enters the username "cypress_agent"


A user enters the username "agent"

