
package entities
type Task struct {
Id       int64
task     string
assignee string
deadline string
action   string
package taskcontroller
import (
func Index(response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
temp, err := template.ParseFiles("config/views/task/index.html")
if err != nil {
temp.Execute(response, nil)
func Add(response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
if request.Method == http.MethodGet {
temp, err := template.ParseFiles("config/views/task/add.html")
if err != nil {
temp.Execute(response, nil)
} else if request.Method == http.MethodPost {
var task entities.Task
task.Task = request.Form.Get("task")
task.Assignee = request.Form.Get("assignee")
task.Deadline = request.Form.Get("deadline")




package entities
type task struct {}

您将不能写入t := entities.task{}。用传统OOP术语来说:任何以小写字符开头的名称都是私有的。如果它们以大写字母开头,那么它们就是公共的。


type Task struct {
Id       int64
task     string
assignee string
deadline string
action   string



type Task struct {
Id       int64
Task     string
Assignee string
Deadline string
Action   string


package taskcontroller
import "entities"
func someFunc() {
task := entities.Task{
Id:   123,
Task: "foo",
// or
task.Assignee = "bar"


package entities
// Task as you have it now, with unexported fields
type Task struct {
Id       int64
task     string
assignee string
deadline string
action   string

// SetAssignee starts with upper-case S, so can be called from other packages
// this method can be used for validation/normalisation/...
// you'll need to add SetX for each field
func (t *Task) SetAssignee(assignee string) error {
if len(assignee) > 255 {
return errors.New("assignee too long, max length is 255")
// assignee is not exported, but using this function its value can be set
t.assignee = assignee
return nil
// GetAssignee is exported, can be called everywhere
// again, you'll need to implement a GetX for each unexported field
// can be used to return default values, for example
func (t Task) GetAssignee() string {
if len(t.assignee) == 0 {
return "none"
return t.assignee
func (t *Task) ToMapAndClear() map[string]interface{} {
// create a map containing the data
r := map[string]interface{}{
"id":       t.Id,
"task":     t.task,
"assignee": t.assignee,
"deadline": t.deadline,
"action":   t.action,
// clear all fields. We can call reset from inside the package
return r
// ExtractMap same function as above, but with defer so it's less verbose
func (t *Task) ExtractMap() map[string]interface{} {
defer t.reset()
return map[string]interface{
"id":       t.Id,
"task":     t.task,
"assignee": t.assignee,
"deadline": t.deadline,
"action":   t.action,
// reset starts with lower-case s, so cannot be called outside of this package
func (t *Task) reset() {
*t = Task{}


package main
import (
func main() {
t := entities.Task{
Id: 123,
if err := t.SetAssignee("Benjamin"); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Could not set assignee: %vn", err)
fmt.Printf("Task assigned to %sn", t.GetAssignee()) // works fine
// does not work
t.reset() // main package does not have access to reset method
// this does work - we get the values in a map, and reset gets called internally
data := t.ExtractMap()

