在 Process.GetProcesses() 中使用多个条件。where(title == args[0] and processName == args[1]")


String Title = args[0].ToLower()+ " - Notepad";
Process process = Process.GetProcesses().Where(p => p.MainWindowTitle
== Title).SingleOrDefault();


File_Name.eXtension - Notepad//in:en-EU
File_Name.eXtension - Bloco de Notasin:/en-br


[DllImport("user32.dll")][return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
static extern bool IsIconic(IntPtr hWnd);
String Title = args[0].ToLower()+ " - Notepad";
String Exec = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(args[1].ToLower());
Process process = Process.GetProcesses().Where(p => p.MainWindowTitle
== Title&& p.ProcessName == Exec).SingleOrDefault();

if (process != null) 
var wHnd = process.MainWindowHandle;
if (!IsIconic(wHnd)) 
Console.WriteLine("False"); // Maximized or Nommal Window: File - Notepad.exe // 
else if (IsIconic(wHnd));
Console.WriteLine("True"); // Minimized Window: File - Notepad.exe // 
Console.WriteLine("File not open!"); // Not Founded Windows //



wmic process where "Name like '%Notepad.exe%'andCommandLine like '%\File_Name.eXtension%'" get process id.

The case of Notepad in particular, is that it can have a window name that varies according to the language of the windows, and is a pre-defined "standard" editor.

The case is summarized in how to obtain 2 conditions in a process, where I will have a title in one condition and a process name in another condition.

Wherefilters all processes to those that match the condition.SingleOrDefaultwill search for a single process that matches the condition and if multiple or no process matches it will returnnull. This is what you should do:

Process process = Process
.SingleOrDefault(p => p.MainWindowTitle == Title && p.ProcessName == Exec);

