//ClaimGO claims an amount X of GOcert Y. This function is implemented following the UTXO model
func (s *SmartContract) ClaimGO(ctx contractapi.TransactionContextInterface, goCertInputKey string, amount int) ([]GOCERT, error) {
//1. Get ID of submitting client identity
clientID, err := ctx.GetClientIdentity().GetID()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get client id: %v", err)
//2. Validate GOcert input
goCertInputCompositeKey, err := ctx.GetStub().CreateCompositeKey("goCert", []string{clientID, goCertInputKey})
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create composite key: %v", err)
goCertInput := GOCERT{}
//2.1 Validate that client has a GOcert matching the input key
goCertAsBytes, err := ctx.GetStub().GetState(goCertInputCompositeKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to read goCertInputCompositeKey %s from world state: %v", goCertInputCompositeKey, err)
errr := json.Unmarshal(goCertAsBytes, &goCertInput)
if errr != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("goCertInput %s not found for client %s: %vn, gocertInput: %#vn gocerAsbytes: %v", goCertInputKey, clientID, errr, goCertInput, goCertAsBytes)
txID := ctx.GetStub().GetTxID()
pbKey := goCertInput.ProdBatchKey
expDate := goCertInput.ExpirationDate
//erase previous GOcert
err = ctx.GetStub().DelState(goCertInputCompositeKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Printf("goCertInput deleted: %+v", goCertInput)
var goCertOutputs []GOCERT
//goCertOutput1 is the GO with the cancelled amount
goCertOutput1 := GOCERT{}
goCertOutput1.Amount = amount
goCertOutput1.ExpirationDate = expDate
goCertOutput1.Owner = clientID
goCertOutput1.ProdBatchKey = pbKey
goCertOutput1.State = "Cancelled"
goCertOutput1.Key = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d", txID, 0)
goCertOutputs = append(goCertOutputs, goCertOutput1)
goCertAsBytes, _ := json.Marshal(goCertOutput1)
goCertOutputCompositeKey, err := ctx.GetStub().CreateCompositeKey("goCert", []string{goCertOutput1.Owner, goCertOutput1.Key})
err = ctx.GetStub().PutState(goCertOutputCompositeKey, goCertAsBytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Printf("goCertOutput created: %+v", goCertOutput1)
//goCertOutput 2 is the GO with the remaining amount that has not been claimed yet
goCertOutput2 := GOCERT{}
goCertOutput2.Amount = goCertInput.Amount - amount
goCertOutput2.ExpirationDate = expDate
goCertOutput2.Owner = clientID
goCertOutput2.ProdBatchKey = pbKey
goCertOutput2.State = "Issued"
goCertOutput2.Key = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d", txID, 1)
goCertOutputs = append(goCertOutputs, goCertOutput2)
goCertAsBytes2, _ := json.Marshal(goCertOutput2)
goCertOutputCompositeKey2, err := ctx.GetStub().CreateCompositeKey("goCert", []string{goCertOutput2.Owner, goCertOutput2.Key})
err = ctx.GetStub().PutState(goCertOutputCompositeKey2, goCertAsBytes2)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Printf("goCertOutput created: %+v", goCertOutput2)
return goCertOutputs, nil
我正在试用Hyperledger Fabric测试网络的智能合约。使用logspout工具,我可以看到显示了这两条日志消息,因此我知道代码执行正确。问题是,尽管DeleteState和PutState函数执行时没有错误,但它们实际上并没有改变分类账上的任何内容
如果使用peer chaincode query
命令进行调用,则不会将交易发送给订购方,因此不会发生分类账更新。如果您使用peer chaincode invoke
但是,invoke命令之后的查询命令将不会看到由调用引起的分类帐更新,直到它们执行的对等方从订购方接收到提交的块并更新了其本地分类帐状态。要使peer chaincode invoke
运行peer chaincode invoke --help